
Jiro Sumitomo

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7EELawrence Buckingham, James M. Hogan, Paul Roe, Jiro Sumitomo, Michael W. Towsey: Comparative Studies Made Simple in GPFlow. CCGRID 2008: 699
6EELawrence Buckingham, James M. Hogan, Paul Roe, Jiro Sumitomo, Michael W. Towsey: Comparative Studies Simplified in GPFlow. ICCS (3) 2008: 491-500
5EEAsbjørn Rygg, Paul Roe, On Wong, Jiro Sumitomo: GPFlow: an intuitive environment for web-based scientific workflow. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 20(4): 393-408 (2008)
4EEAsbjørn Rygg, Jiro Sumitomo, Paul Roe: A Unified Model of Batch and Interactive Scientific Workflow and Its Implementation Using Windows Workflow. e-Science 2006: 36
3EEWayne Kelly, Jiro Sumitomo: What are Cycle-Stealing Systems Good For? A Detailed Performance Model Case Study. ICPADS (2) 2005: 500-504
2 Wayne Kelly, Paul Roe, Jiro Sumitomo: An Enhanced Programming Model for Internet Based Cycle Stealing. PDPTA 2003: 1649-1655
1 Wayne Kelly, Paul Roe, Jiro Sumitomo: G2: A Grid Middleware for Cycle Donation Using .NET. PDPTA 2002: 699-705

Coauthor Index

1Lawrence Buckingham [6] [7]
2James M. Hogan [6] [7]
3Wayne Kelly [1] [2] [3]
4Paul Roe [1] [2] [4] [5] [6] [7]
5Asbjørn Rygg [4] [5]
6Michael W. Towsey [6] [7]
7On Wong [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)