
Robert T. Sumichrast

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6EEYoung H. Chun, Robert T. Sumichrast: Bayesian inspection model with the negative binomial prior in the presence of inspection errors. European Journal of Operational Research 182(3): 1188-1202 (2007)
5EEYoung H. Chun, Robert T. Sumichrast: A rank-based approach to the sequential selection and assignment problem. European Journal of Operational Research 174(2): 1338-1344 (2006)
4EEYoung H. Chun, Robert T. Sumichrast: Estimating the market shares of stores based on the shopper's search and purchase behavior. European Journal of Operational Research 166(2): 576-592 (2005)
3EEEvelyn C. Brown, Robert T. Sumichrast: Impact of the replacement heuristic in a grouping genetic algorithm. Computers & OR 30(11): 1575-1593 (2003)
2EERobert T. Sumichrast: Scheduling parallel processors to minimize setup time. Computers & OR 14(4): 305-313 (1987)
1EERobert T. Sumichrast: A new cutting-stock heuristic for scheduling production. Computers & OR 13(4): 403-410 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1Evelyn C. Brown [3]
2Young H. Chun [4] [5] [6]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)