
Taro Sugihara

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3EEMotoki Miura, Sadanori Ito, Ryozo Takatsuka, Taro Sugihara, Susumu Kunifuji: An Empirical Study of an RFID Mat Sensor System in a Group Home. JNW 4(2): 133-139 (2009)
2EETaro Sugihara, Kenichi Nakagawa, Tsutomu Fujinami, Ryozo Takatsuka: Evaluation of a Prototype of the Mimamori-care System for Persons with Dementia. KES (2) 2008: 839-846
1EEKenichi Nakagawa, Taro Sugihara, Hitoshi Koshiba, Ryozo Takatsuka, Naotaka Kato, Susumu Kunifuji: Development of a Mimamori-Care System for Persons with Dementia Based on the Real World-Oriented Approach. KES (2) 2007: 1261-1268

Coauthor Index

1Tsutomu Fujinami [2]
2Sadanori Ito [3]
3Naotaka Kato [1]
4Hitoshi Koshiba [1]
5Susumu Kunifuji [1] [3]
6Motoki Miura [3]
7Kenichi Nakagawa [1] [2]
8Ryozo Takatsuka [1] [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)