
Kouta Sugihara

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2 Harmen van der Ven, Bert C. Schultheiss, Shun Doi, Hideki Matsumoto, Kouta Sugihara, Toshifumi Takei: Real-Time Visualization of Large Data Sets on NLR's NEC SX-4. HPCN Europe 1998: 397-402
1 Shun Doi, Hidehiro Fujio, Kouta Sugihara: Automatic parallel program generation for finite element analysis. Quality of Numerical Software 1996: 255-266

Coauthor Index

1Shun Doi [1] [2]
2Hidehiro Fujio [1]
3Hideki Matsumoto [2]
4Bert C. Schultheiss [2]
5Toshifumi Takei [2]
6Harmen van der Ven [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)