
Mahadevan Subramaniam

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27EEHarvey P. Siy, Parvathi Chundi, Mahadevan Subramaniam: Summarizing developer work history using time series segmentation: challenge report. MSR 2008: 137-140
26EEBo Guo, Mahadevan Subramaniam: Formal Change Impact Analyses of Extended Finite State Machines Using a Theorem Prover. SEFM 2008: 335-344
25EEHarvey P. Siy, Parvathi Chundi, Daniel J. Rosenkrantz, Mahadevan Subramaniam: A segmentation-based approach for temporal analysis of software version repositories. Journal of Software Maintenance 20(3): 199-222 (2008)
24EEMahadevan Subramaniam, Harvey P. Siy: Consistently Incorporating Changes to Evolve Transition-based Systems. CSMR 2007: 17-26
23EEHarvey P. Siy, Parvathi Chundi, Daniel J. Rosenkrantz, Mahadevan Subramaniam: Discovering Dynamic Developer Relationships from Software Version Histories by Time Series Segmentation. ICSM 2007: 415-424
22EEMahadevan Subramaniam, Parvathi Chundi, Harvey P. Siy: Aggregating changes to efficiently check consistency. IWPSE 2007: 39-42
21EEZoltán Pap, Mahadevan Subramaniam, Gábor Kovács, Gábor Árpád Németh: A Bounded Incremental Test Generation Algorithm for Finite State Machines. TestCom/FATES 2007: 244-259
20EEMahadevan Subramaniam, Patrick Conway: A methodology for early validation of cache coherence protocols based on relational databases. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 19(3): 355-368 (2007)
19EEMahadevan Subramaniam, Zoltán Pap: Analyzing the Impact of Protocol Changes on Tests. TestCom 2006: 197-212
18EEMahadevan Subramaniam: Preserving Consistency of Runtime Monitors across Protocol Changes. ICECCS 2005: 590-599
17EEMahadevan Subramaniam, Jiangfan Shi: Using Dominators to Extract Observable Protocol Contexts. SEFM 2005: 96-105
16EEMahadevan Subramaniam, Parvathi Chundi: An Approach to Preserve Protocol Consistency and Executability Across Updates. ICFEM 2004: 341-356
15EEVictor L. Winter, Mahadevan Subramaniam: The transient combinator, higher-order strategies, and the distributed data problem. Sci. Comput. Program. 52: 165-212 (2004)
14EEDeepak Kapur, Mahadevan Subramaniam: Automatic Generation of Simple Lemmas from Recursive Definitions Using Decision Procedures - Preliminary Report. ASIAN 2003: 125-145
13EEMahadevan Subramaniam: Early Error Detection in Industrial Strength Cache Coherence Protocols Using SQL. IPDPS 2003: 290
12 Deepak Kapur, Mahadevan Subramaniam: Extending Decision Procedures with Induction Schemes. CADE 2000: 324-345
11EEDeepak Kapur, Mahadevan Subramaniam: Using an induction prover for verifying arithmetic circuits. STTT 3(1): 32-65 (2000)
10EEDeepak Kapur, Mahadevan Subramaniam: Mechanizing Reasoning about Large Finite Tables in a Rewrite Based Theorem Prover. ASIAN 1998: 22-42
9 Deepak Kapur, Mahadevan Subramaniam: Mechanical Verification of Adder Circuits using Rewrite Rule Laboratory. Formal Methods in System Design 13(2): 127-158 (1998)
8EEDeepak Kapur, Mahadevan Subramaniam: Mechanizing Verification of Arithmetic Circuits: SRT Division. FSTTCS 1997: 103-122
7 Deepak Kapur, Mahadevan Subramaniam: Automating Induction over Mutually Recursive Functions. AMAST 1996: 117-131
6 Deepak Kapur, Mahadevan Subramaniam: Lemma Discovery in Automated Induction. CADE 1996: 538-552
5 Deepak Kapur, Mahadevan Subramaniam: Mechanically Verifying a Family of Multiplier Circuits. CAV 1996: 135-146
4 Leopoldo E. Bertossi, Javier Pinto, Pablo Sáez, Deepak Kapur, Mahadevan Subramaniam: Automating Proofs of Integrity Constraints in Situation Calculus. ISMIS 1996: 212-222
3 Deepak Kapur, Mahadevan Subramaniam: New Uses of Linear Arithmetic in Automated Theorem Proving by Induction. J. Autom. Reasoning 16(1-2): 39-78 (1996)
2 Deepak Kapur, Mahadevan Subramaniam: Automated Reasoning About Parallel Algorithms Using Powerlists. AMAST 1995: 416-430
1 Deepak Kapur, Mahadevan Subramaniam: Using Linear Arithmetic Procedure for Generating Induction Schemes. FSTTCS 1994: 438-449

Coauthor Index

1Leopoldo E. Bertossi [4]
2Parvathi Chundi [16] [22] [23] [25] [27]
3Patrick Conway [20]
4Bo Guo [26]
5Deepak Kapur [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [14]
6Gábor Kovács [21]
7Gábor Árpád Németh [21]
8Zoltán Pap [19] [21]
9Javier Pinto [4]
10Daniel J. Rosenkrantz [23] [25]
11Pablo Sáez [4]
12Jiangfan Shi [17]
13Harvey P. Siy [22] [23] [24] [25] [27]
14Victor L. Winter [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)