
Bo-chiuan Su

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3EEBo-chiuan Su, Alok Gupta, Zhiping D. Walter: Economic Analysis of Consumer Purchase Intentions in Electronic and Traditional Retail Channels: Competitive and Strategic Implications. EEE 2004: 369-372
2EEAlok Gupta, Bo-chiuan Su, Zhiping D. Walter: Risk profile and consumer shopping behavior in electronic and traditional channels. Decision Support Systems 38(3): 347-367 (2004)
1EEBo-chiuan Su: Risk behavior of Internet shopping: comparison of college students' versus non-student adults'. ICEC 2003: 181-185

Coauthor Index

1Alok Gupta [2] [3]
2Zhiping D. Walter [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)