
Daniel Stutzbach

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13EEDaniel Stutzbach, Reza Rejaie, Subhabrata Sen: Characterizing unstructured overlay topologies in modern P2P file-sharing systems. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 16(2): 267-280 (2008)
12EEDaniel Stutzbach, Shanyu Zhao, Reza Rejaie: Characterizing files in the modern Gnutella network. Multimedia Syst. 13(1): 35-50 (2007)
11EEDaniel Stutzbach, Reza Rejaie: Capturing Accurate Snapshots of the Gnutella Network. INFOCOM 2006
10EEDaniel Stutzbach, Reza Rejaie: Improving Lookup Performance Over a Widely-Deployed DHT. INFOCOM 2006
9EEAmir H. Rasti, Daniel Stutzbach, Reza Rejaie: On the Long-term Evolution of the Two-Tier Gnutella Overlay. INFOCOM 2006
8EEDaniel Stutzbach, Reza Rejaie, Nick G. Duffield, Subhabrata Sen, Walter Willinger: Sampling Techniques for Large, Dynamic Graphs. INFOCOM 2006
7EEDaniel Stutzbach, Reza Rejaie: Understanding churn in peer-to-peer networks. Internet Measurement Conference 2006: 189-202
6EEDaniel Stutzbach, Reza Rejaie, Nick G. Duffield, Subhabrata Sen, Walter Willinger: On unbiased sampling for unstructured peer-to-peer networks. Internet Measurement Conference 2006: 27-40
5EEDaniel Stutzbach, Reza Rejaie: Capturing accurate snapshots of the Gnutella network. INFOCOM 2005: 2825-2830
4EEDaniel Stutzbach, Reza Rejaie, Subhabrata Sen: Characterizing Unstructured Overlay Topologies in Modern P2P File-Sharing Systems. Internet Measurment Conference 2005: 49-62
3EEDaniel Stutzbach, Daniel Zappala, Reza Rejaie: The Scalability of Swarming Peer-to-Peer Content Delivery. NETWORKING 2005: 15-26
2EEDaniel Stutzbach, Reza Rejaie: Evaluating the Accuracy of Captured Snapshots by Peer-to-Peer Crawlers. PAM 2005: 353-357
1EEDaniel Stutzbach, Reza Rejaie: Characterizing the two-tier gnutella topology. SIGMETRICS 2005: 402-403

Coauthor Index

1Nick G. Duffield [6] [8]
2Amir H. Rasti [9]
3Reza Rejaie [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
4Subhabrata Sen [4] [6] [8] [13]
5Walter Willinger [6] [8]
6Daniel Zappala [3]
7Shanyu Zhao [12]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)