2009 |
94 | EE | Rajesh K. Thiagarajan,
Wolfgang Mayer,
Markus Stumptner:
Semantic Service Discovery by Consistency-Based Matchmaking.
APWeb/WAIM 2009: 492-505 |
93 | EE | Peter Killisperger,
Markus Stumptner,
Georg Peters,
Georg Grossmann,
Thomas Stückl:
Meta Model Based Architecture for Software Process Instantiation.
ICSP 2009: 63-74 |
92 | EE | Rui Abreu,
Wolfgang Mayer,
Markus Stumptner,
Arjan J. C. van Gemund:
Refining spectrum-based fault localization rankings.
SAC 2009: 409-414 |
2008 |
91 | EE | Georg Grossmann,
Michael Schrefl,
Markus Stumptner:
Modelling Inter-Process Dependencies with High-Level Business Process Modelling Languages.
APCCM 2008: 89-102 |
90 | EE | Wolfgang Mayer,
Markus Stumptner:
Evaluating Models for Model-Based Debugging.
ASE 2008: 128-137 |
89 | EE | Wolfgang Mayer,
Arndt Mühlenfeld,
Markus Stumptner:
Knowledge-Intensive Process Modelling in Engineering Design.
DEXA Workshops 2008: 90-94 |
88 | EE | Anika Schumann,
Wolfgang Mayer,
Markus Stumptner:
Distributed Repair of Nondiagnosability.
ECAI 2008: 795-796 |
87 | | Peter Killisperger,
Markus Stumptner,
Georg Peters,
Thomas Stückl:
Challenges in Software Design in Large Corporations - A Case Study at Siemens AG.
ICEIS (3-2) 2008: 123-128 |
86 | EE | Dennis Hooijmaijers,
Markus Stumptner:
Improving Integration with Subjective Combining of Ontology Mappings.
ISMIS 2008: 552-562 |
85 | | Arndt Mühlenfeld,
Wolfgang Mayer,
Franz Maier,
Markus Stumptner:
Ontology-based Process Modeling and Execution Using STEP/EXPRESS.
SEKE 2008: 935-940 |
2007 |
84 | EE | Rajesh K. Thiagarajan,
Markus Stumptner:
Service Composition with Consistency-Based Matchmaking: A CSP-Based Approach.
ECOWS 2007: 23-32 |
83 | EE | Georg Grossmann,
Michael Schrefl,
Markus Stumptner:
Exploiting Semantics of Inter-Process Dependencies to Instantiate Predefined Integration Patterns.
ER (Tutorials, Posters, Panels & Industrial Contributions) 2007: 155-160 |
82 | EE | Wolfgang Mayer,
Markus Stumptner:
Abstract Interpretation of Programs for Model-Based Debugging.
IJCAI 2007: 471-476 |
81 | EE | Wolfgang Mayer,
Markus Stumptner:
Model-Based Debugging - State of the Art And Future Challenges.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 174(4): 61-82 (2007) |
80 | EE | Jun Shen,
Georg Grossmann,
Yun Yang,
Markus Stumptner,
Michael Schrefl,
Thomas Reiter:
Analysis of business process integration in Web service context.
Future Generation Comp. Syst. 23(3): 283-294 (2007) |
2006 |
79 | | Markus Stumptner,
Sven Hartmann,
Yasushi Kiyoki:
Conceptual Modelling 2006, Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2005), Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, January 16-19 2006
Australian Computer Society 2006 |
78 | EE | Catherine Howard,
Markus Stumptner:
Representation and Reasoning for Recursive Probability Models.
Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2006: 120-130 |
77 | EE | Georg Grossmann,
Michael Schrefl,
Markus Stumptner:
Verification of Business Process Integration Options.
Business Process Management 2006: 432-438 |
76 | EE | Georg Grossmann,
Michael Schrefl,
Markus Stumptner:
A Framework for the Behavior Based Integration of Business Processes.
CAiSE Forum 2006 |
75 | | Catherine Howard,
Markus Stumptner:
Applying OPRMs to Recursive Probability Models.
ECAI 2006: 761-762 |
74 | | Wolfgang Mayer,
Markus Stumptner:
Better Debugging Through More Abstract Observations.
ECAI 2006: 779-780 |
73 | | Catherine Howard,
Markus Stumptner:
Model Construction Algorithms for Object-Oriented Probabilistic Relational Models.
FLAIRS Conference 2006: 830-835 |
72 | | Thomas Reiter,
Elisabeth Kapsammer,
Werner Retschitzegger,
Wieland Schwinger,
Markus Stumptner:
A Generator Framework for Domain-Specific Model Transformation Languages.
ICEIS (3) 2006: 27-35 |
71 | EE | Markus Stumptner,
Bruce H. Thomas:
Constraint-based livespaces configuration management.
IUI 2006: 357-359 |
70 | EE | Dennis Hooijmaijers,
Markus Stumptner:
Trust Calculation.
Intelligent Information Processing 2006: 111-121 |
69 | | Catherine Howard,
Markus Stumptner:
Object and Knowledge Modeling for Impact Fusion.
SEKE 2006: 420-425 |
68 | | Wolfgang Mayer,
Markus Stumptner:
Debugging Failures in Web Services Coordination.
SEKE 2006: 536-543 |
67 | EE | Yalei Hao,
Gerald Quirchmayr,
Markus Stumptner:
Mining MOUCLAS Patterns and Jumping MOUCLAS Patterns to Construct Classifiers.
Selected Papers from AusDM 2006: 118-129 |
2005 |
66 | | Sven Hartmann,
Markus Stumptner:
Conceptual Modelling 2005, Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2005), Newcastle, NSW, Australia, January/February 2005
Australian Computer Society 2005 |
65 | EE | Georg Grossmann,
Yikai Ren,
Michael Schrefl,
Markus Stumptner:
Behavior Based Integration of Composite Business Processes.
Business Process Management 2005: 186-204 |
64 | | Catherine Howard,
Markus Stumptner:
Situation Assessment with Object Oriented Probabilistic Relational Models.
ICEIS (2) 2005: 412-418 |
63 | | Georg Grossmann,
Yikai Ren,
Michael Schrefl,
Markus Stumptner:
Definition of Business Process Integration Operators for Generalization.
ICEIS (3) 2005: 510-517 |
62 | EE | Catherine Howard,
Markus Stumptner:
Probabilistic Reasoning Techniques for Situation Assessments.
ICITA (1) 2005: 383-386 |
61 | | Markus Stumptner:
Automated Web Service Composition: Methods and Tradeoffs (Invited Talk).
ISTA 2005: 227-238 |
60 | EE | Catherine Howard,
Markus Stumptner:
Probabilistic Reasoning Techniques for the Tactical Military Domain.
KES (3) 2005: 46-53 |
2004 |
59 | | Yalei Hao,
Markus Stumptner,
Gerald Quirchmayr,
Qing He:
Data Mining by MOUCLAS Algorithm for Petroleum Reservoir Characterization from Well Logging Data.
AIAI 2004: 407-420 |
58 | EE | Markus Stumptner,
Michael Schrefl,
Georg Grossmann:
On the Road to Behavior-Based Integration.
APCCM 2004: 15-22 |
57 | | Wolfgang Mayer,
Markus Stumptner:
High-Level Observations in Java Debugging.
ECAI 2004: 1059-1060 |
56 | | Wolfgang Mayer,
Markus Stumptner:
Debugging Program Loops Using Approximate Modeling.
ECAI 2004: 843-847 |
55 | EE | Georg Grossmann,
Michael Schrefl,
Markus Stumptner:
Classification of Business Process Correspondences and Associated Integration Operators.
ER (Workshops) 2004: 653-666 |
54 | EE | Wolfgang Mayer,
Markus Stumptner:
Model-Based Debugging with High-Level Observations.
Intelligent Information Processing 2004: 299-309 |
53 | EE | Zhongzhi Shi,
Ping Luo,
Yalei Hao,
Guohe Li,
Markus Stumptner,
Qing He,
Gerald Quirchmayr:
Intelligent Technology for Well Logging Analysis.
Intelligent Information Processing 2004: 373-382 |
52 | EE | Qing He,
Ping Luo,
Zhongzhi Shi,
Yalei Hao,
Markus Stumptner:
A Prediction Approach to Well Logging.
Intelligent Information Processing 2004: 531-539 |
51 | EE | Alexander Felfernig,
Gerhard Friedrich,
Dietmar Jannach,
Markus Stumptner:
Consistency-based diagnosis of configuration knowledge bases.
Artif. Intell. 152(2): 213-234 (2004) |
2003 |
50 | EE | Wolfgang Mayer,
Markus Stumptner:
Extending Diagnosis to Debug Programs with Exceptions.
ASE 2003: 240-244 |
49 | | Markus Stumptner,
Franz Wotawa:
Coupling CSP Decomposition Methods and Diagnosis Algorithms for Tree-Structured Systems.
IJCAI 2003: 388-393 |
48 | | Alexander Felfernig,
Gerhard Friedrich,
Dietmar Jannach,
Markus Stumptner,
Markus Zanker:
Transforming UML Domain Descriptions into Configuration Knowledge Bases.
Knowledge Transformation for the Semantic Web 2003: 154-168 |
47 | | Timo Soininen,
Markus Stumptner:
Special Issue: Configuration.
AI EDAM 17(1): 1-2 (2003) |
46 | | Alexander Felfernig,
Gerhard Friedrich,
Dietmar Jannach,
Markus Stumptner,
Markus Zanker:
Configuration knowledge representations for Semantic Web applications.
AI EDAM 17(1): 31-50 (2003) |
45 | EE | Wolfgang Mayer,
Markus Stumptner:
Model-Based Debugging using Multiple Abstract Models
CoRR cs.SE/0309030: (2003) |
2002 |
44 | EE | Wolfgang Mayer,
Markus Stumptner:
Modeling Programs with Unstructured Control Flow for Debugging.
Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2002: 107-118 |
43 | | Wolfgang Mayer,
Markus Stumptner,
Dominik Wieland,
Franz Wotawa:
Can AI help to improve debugging substantially? Debugging Experiences with Value-Based Models.
ECAI 2002: 417-421 |
42 | | Wolfgang Mayer,
Markus Stumptner,
Dominik Wieland,
Franz Wotawa:
Towards an Integrated Debugging Environment.
ECAI 2002: 422-426 |
41 | EE | Alexander Felfernig,
Gerhard Friedrich,
Dietmar Jannach,
Markus Stumptner,
Markus Zanker:
Acquiring Configuration Knowledge Bases in the Semantic Web Using UML.
EKAW 2002: 352-357 |
40 | EE | Sistine Barretto,
James R. Warren,
Markus Stumptner,
Michael Schrefl,
Gerald Quirchmayr,
Stephen Nield:
Coordination of Inter-organisational Healthcare Processes via Specialisation of Internet-Based Object Life Cycles.
HICSS 2002: 148 |
39 | EE | Franz Wotawa,
Markus Stumptner,
Wolfgang Mayer:
Model-Based Debugging or How to Diagnose Programs Automatically.
IEA/AIE 2002: 746-757 |
38 | EE | Alexander Felfernig,
Gerhard Friedrich,
Dietmar Jannach,
Markus Stumptner,
Markus Zanker:
UML as knowledge acquisition frontend for Semantic Web configuration knowledge bases.
RuleML 2002 |
37 | EE | Michael Schrefl,
Markus Stumptner:
Behavior-consistent specialization of object life cycles.
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 11(1): 92-148 (2002) |
36 | EE | Gerhard Fleischanderl,
Thomas Havelka,
Herwig Schreiner,
Markus Stumptner,
Franz Wotawa:
DiKe - a model-based diagnosis kernel and its application.
AI Commun. 15(1): 17-30 (2002) |
2001 |
35 | | Markus Stumptner,
Dan Corbett,
Michael J. Brooks:
AI 2001: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 14th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Adelaide, Australia, December 10-14, 2001, Proceedings
Springer 2001 |
34 | EE | Markus Stumptner:
Using Design Information to Identify Structural Software Faults.
Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2001: 473-486 |
33 | EE | Alexander Felfernig,
Gerhard Friedrich,
Dietmar Jannach,
Markus Stumptner,
Markus Zanker:
Hierarchical Diagnosis of Large Configurator Knowledge Bases.
KI/ÖGAI 2001: 185-197 |
32 | EE | Markus Stumptner,
Dominik Wieland,
Franz Wotawa:
Comparing Two Models for Software Debugging.
KI/ÖGAI 2001: 351-365 |
31 | EE | Gerhard Fleischanderl,
Thomas Havelka,
Herwig Schreiner,
Markus Stumptner,
Franz Wotawa:
DiKe - A Model-Based Diagnosis Kernel and Its Application.
KI/ÖGAI 2001: 440-454 |
30 | EE | Oliver Hoffmann,
Markus Stumptner,
Talik Chalabi:
A perspective based approach to design.
PuK 2001 |
29 | EE | Markus Stumptner,
Franz Wotawa:
Diagnosing tree-structured systems.
Artif. Intell. 127(1): 1-29 (2001) |
2000 |
28 | EE | Cristinel Mateis,
Markus Stumptner,
Dominik Wieland,
Franz Wotawa:
Model-Based Debugging of Java Programs.
AADEBUG 2000 |
27 | | Alexander Felfernig,
Gerhard Friedrich,
Dietmar Jannach,
Markus Stumptner:
Consistency-Based Diagnosis of Configuration Knowledge Bases.
ECAI 2000: 146-150 |
26 | | Cristinel Mateis,
Markus Stumptner,
Franz Wotawa:
Modeling Java Programs for Diagnosis.
ECAI 2000: 171-175 |
25 | EE | Markus Stumptner,
Michael Schrefl:
Behavior Consistent Inheritance in UML.
ER 2000: 527-542 |
24 | EE | Cristinel Mateis,
Markus Stumptner,
Dominik Wieland,
Franz Wotawa:
JADE - AI Support for Debugging Java Programs.
ICTAI 2000: 62- |
23 | EE | Cristinel Mateis,
Markus Stumptner,
Franz Wotawa:
Locating Bugs in Java Programs - First Results of the Java Diagnosis Experiment Project.
IEA/AIE 2000: 174-183 |
22 | | Michael Schrefl,
Markus Stumptner:
On the Design of Behavior Consistent Specializations of Object Life Cycles in OBD and UML.
Advances in Object-Oriented Data Modeling 2000: 65-104 |
21 | | Markus Stumptner,
Franz Wotawa:
Industrial Applications of Model-based Reasoning - Guest Editorial.
AI Commun. 13(2): 59-60 (2000) |
20 | | Markus Stumptner,
Franz Wotawa:
Using Model-Based Reasoning for Locating Faults in VHDL Designs.
KI 14(4): 62-67 (2000) |
1999 |
19 | | Markus Stumptner,
Franz Wotawa:
Debugging Functional Programs.
IJCAI 1999: 1074-1079 |
18 | EE | Gerhard Friedrich,
Markus Stumptner,
Franz Wotawa:
Model-Based Diagnosis of Hardware Designs.
Artif. Intell. 111(1-2): 3-39 (1999) |
1998 |
17 | | Markus Stumptner,
Franz Wotawa:
A Survey of Intelligent Debugging.
AI Commun. 11(1): 35-51 (1998) |
16 | EE | Markus Stumptner,
Gerhard Friedrich,
Alois Haselböck:
Generative constraint-based configuration of large technical systems.
AI EDAM 12(4): 307-320 (1998) |
15 | | Gerhard Fleischanderl,
Gerhard Friedrich,
Alois Haselböck,
Herwig Schreiner,
Markus Stumptner:
Configuring Large Systems Using Generative Constraint Satisfaction.
IEEE Intelligent Systems 13(4): 59-68 (1998) |
1997 |
14 | EE | Michael Schrefl,
Markus Stumptner:
Behavior Consistent Refinement of Object Life Cycles.
ER 1997: 155-168 |
13 | | Markus Stumptner,
Franz Wotawa:
Diagnosing Tree Structured Systems.
IJCAI (1) 1997: 440-445 |
12 | | Markus Stumptner:
An Overview of Knowledge-Based Configuration.
AI Commun. 10(2): 111-125 (1997) |
1996 |
11 | | Gerhard Friedrich,
Markus Stumptner,
Franz Wotawa:
Model-Based Diagnosis of Hardware Designs.
ECAI 1996: 491-495 |
1995 |
10 | EE | Michael Schrefl,
Markus Stumptner:
Behavior Consistent Extension of Object Life Cycles.
OOER 1995: 133-145 |
1993 |
9 | | Markus Stumptner,
Alois Haselböck:
A Generative Constraint Formalism for Configuration Problems.
AI*IA 1993: 302-313 |
8 | | Alois Haselböck,
Markus Stumptner:
Attribute-Specific Interchangeability in Constraint Satisfaction Problems.
EPIA 1993: 258-270 |
7 | | Markus Stumptner,
Alois Haselböck:
Configuring with Type Abstractions in a Dynamic Constraint Formalism.
PuK 1993: 167 |
1992 |
6 | | Georg Gottlob,
Michael Schrefl,
Markus Stumptner:
Selective Inheritance of Attribute Values in Relational Databases.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 40(2): 187-216 (1992) |
5 | EE | Michael Schrefl,
Markus Stumptner:
On the formal properties of transitive inheritance in databases.
Inf. Sci. 66(1-2): 63-90 (1992) |
1991 |
4 | | Thomas Eiter,
Michael Schrefl,
Markus Stumptner:
Sperrverfahren für B-Bäume im Vergleich.
Informatik Spektrum 14(4): 183-200 (1991) |
1989 |
3 | | Gerhard Friedrich,
Wolfgang Höllinger,
Christian Stary,
Markus Stumptner:
ObjView: A Task-Oriented, Graphics-Based Tools for Object Visualization and Arrangement.
ECOOP 1989: 299-310 |
2 | EE | Georg Gottlob,
Michael Schrefl,
Markus Stumptner:
On the Interaction between Transitive Closure and Functional Dependencies.
MFDBS 1989: 187-206 |
1986 |
1 | | Karl Kleissner,
Markus Stumptner:
Performance of Concurrency Control Algorithms in Distributed Databases with Tight Coupling of Multi-Processors at Each Node.
ICDCS 1986: 80-87 |