
Robert Stubenrauch

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5EEHermann A. Maurer, Robert Stubenrauch, Daniela G. Camhy: Foundations of MIRACLE: Multimedia Information Repository, A Computer-supported Language Effort. J. UCS 9(4): 309-348 (2003)
4EERobert Stubenrauch, Daniela G. Camhy, Jennifer Lennon, Hermann A. Maurer: Applications of MIRACLE: Working With Dynamic Visual Information. J. UCS 9(4): 349-368 (2003)
3EERobert Stubenrauch, Daniela G. Camhy: A Cross-Disciplinary Bibliography on Visual Languages for Information Sharing and Archiving. J. UCS 9(4): 369- (2003)
2EERobert Stubenrauch, Barbara Vickery, Ato Ruppert: LIBERATION: A Value-Added Digital Library. ECDL 1998: 647-648
1 Robert Stubenrauch: Touring a Hyper-CAI System. ICCAL 1989: 541-551

Coauthor Index

1Daniela G. Camhy [3] [4] [5]
2Jennifer Lennon [4]
3Hermann A. Maurer [4] [5]
4Ato Ruppert [2]
5Barbara Vickery [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)