
Domenico Striccoli

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6EEPietro Camarda, Domenico Striccoli, Mariella Ragno: A bandwidth dependent smoothing algorithm for interactive video streaming in UMTS systems. MobiMedia 2007: 41
5EEPietro Camarda, Giovanni Tommaso Carone, Domenico Striccoli: A smoothing algorithm for time slicing DVB-H video transmission with bandwidth constraints. MobiMedia 2006: 6
4EEPietro Camarda, Cataldo Guaragnella, Domenico Striccoli: A New MBAC Algorithm for Video Streaming Based on Autoregressive Adaptive Filtering. ICME 2005: 1512-1515
3 Pietro Camarda, Antonio De Gioia, Domenico Striccoli: Online Smoothing of VBR Video Streams in Systems with Variable Available Bandwidth. ICETE (3) 2004: 369-374
2EEPietro Camarda, Domenico Striccoli: Queueing networks approach for bandwidth estimation of smoothed VBR video streams. Perform. Eval. 57(1): 1-18 (2004)
1EEPietro Camarda, Domenico Striccoli: Live Admission Control for Video Streaming. QoS-IP 2003: 292-305

Coauthor Index

1Pietro Camarda [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
2Giovanni Tommaso Carone [5]
3Antonio De Gioia [3]
4Cataldo Guaragnella [4]
5Mariella Ragno [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)