
Jeremy Stribling

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9EEJeremy Stribling, Jinyang Li, Isaac G. Councill, M. Frans Kaashoek, Robert Morris: OverCite: A Distributed, Cooperative CiteSeer. NSDI 2006
8EEJinyang Li, Jeremy Stribling, Robert Morris, M. Frans Kaashoek, Thomer M. Gil: A performance vs. cost framework for evaluating DHT design tradeoffs under churn. INFOCOM 2005: 225-236
7EEJeremy Stribling, Isaac G. Councill, Jinyang Li, M. Frans Kaashoek, David R. Karger, Robert Morris, Scott Shenker: OverCite: A Cooperative Digital Research Library. IPTPS 2005: 69-79
6EEJinyang Li, Jeremy Stribling, Robert Morris, M. Frans Kaashoek: Bandwidth-efficient Management of DHT Routing Tables. NSDI 2005
5EEJinyang Li, Jeremy Stribling, Thomer M. Gil, Robert Morris, M. Frans Kaashoek: Comparing the Performance of Distributed Hash Tables Under Churn. IPTPS 2004: 87-99
4EEMichael Walfish, Jeremy Stribling, Maxwell N. Krohn, Hari Balakrishnan, Robert Morris, Scott Shenker: Middleboxes No Longer Considered Harmful. OSDI 2004: 215-230
3EEKirsten Hildrum, John Kubiatowicz, Jeremy Stribling: Brief announcement: stretch between nearby peers. PODC 2004: 367
2EEBen Y. Zhao, Ling Huang, Jeremy Stribling, Sean C. Rhea, Anthony D. Joseph, John Kubiatowicz: Tapestry: a resilient global-scale overlay for service deployment. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 22(1): 41-53 (2004)
1EEBen Y. Zhao, Ling Huang, Jeremy Stribling, Anthony D. Joseph, John Kubiatowicz: Exploiting Routing Redundancy via Structured Peer-to-Peer Overlays. ICNP 2003: 246-257

Coauthor Index

1Hari Balakrishnan [4]
2Isaac G. Councill [7] [9]
3Thomer M. Gil [5] [8]
4Kirsten Hildrum (Kris Hildrum) [3]
5Ling Huang [1] [2]
6Anthony D. Joseph [1] [2]
7M. Frans Kaashoek [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
8David R. Karger [7]
9Maxwell N. Krohn [4]
10John Kubiatowicz [1] [2] [3]
11Jinyang Li [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
12Robert Morris [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
13Sean C. Rhea [2]
14Scott Shenker [4] [7]
15Michael Walfish [4]
16Ben Y. Zhao [1] [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)