
Dee Stribling

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3EEDee Stribling, Tim Hunter, Len Olszewski, Anne Corrigan, Randy Mullis, Lloyd Allen: A Real World Conversion to SGML. SIGDOC 1996: 75-86
2EEMimi Saffer, Dee Stribling, Jesse Chavis: From ground zero to multimedia product support: a real world example of a phased transition to online information. SIGDOC 1993: 283-292
1EEDuane Ressler, Dee Stribling: Designing and prototyping a portable hypertext application. SIGDOC 1990: 87-94

Coauthor Index

1Lloyd Allen [3]
2Jesse Chavis [2]
3Anne Corrigan [3]
4Tim Hunter [3]
5Randy Mullis [3]
6Len Olszewski [3]
7Duane Ressler [1]
8Mimi Saffer [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)