
Robert Strandh

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14EEChristof Lutteroth, Robert Strandh, Gerald Weber: Domain Specific High-Level Constraints for User Interface Layout. Constraints 13(3): 307-342 (2008)
13EERobert Strandh, John Hamer, Gilbert Baumann: Using Stealth Mixins to Achieve Modularity. ASWEC 2007: 111-116
12EEAchille J.-P. Braquelaire, Robert Strandh: A color model for rendering linear passive graphic 2D objects. Graphical Models 66(2): 71-88 (2004)
11 Alain Miniussi, Robert Strandh: An Efficient Algorithm for Recognizing the Forward-Branching Class of Term-Rewriting Systems. APPIA-GULP-PRODE 1997: 445-456
10 Bruno Salinier, Robert Strandh: Simulating Forward-Branching Systems with Constructor Systems. TAPSOFT 1997: 153-164
9 Bruno Salinier, Robert Strandh: Efficient Simulation of Forward-Branching Systems with Constructor Systems. J. Symb. Comput. 22(4): 381-399 (1996)
8 Timo Metzemakers, Alain Miniussi, David Sherman, Robert Strandh: Improving Arithmetic Performance using Fine-Grain Unfolding. PLILP 1994: 324-339
7 David Sherman, Robert Strandh: Call Unfolding Strategies for Equational Logic Programs. PEPM 1992: 48-53
6 Irène Durand, David Sherman, Robert Strandh: Partial Evaluation of an Intermediate Language for Equational Programs. JTASPEFT/WSA 1991: 98-106
5 David Sherman, Robert Strandh, Irène Durand: Optimization of Equational Programs Using Partial Evaluation. PEPM 1991: 72-82
4 Srecko Brlek, Pierre Castéran, Robert Strandh: On Addition Schemes. TAPSOFT, Vol.2 1991: 379-393
3 Robert Strandh: Classes of Equational Programs that Compile into Efficient Machine Code. RTA 1989: 449-461
2 Robert Strandh: Optimizing Equational Programs. RTA 1987: 13-24
1 Christoph M. Hoffmann, Michael J. O'Donnell, Robert Strandh: Implementation of an Interpreter for Abstract Equations. Softw., Pract. Exper. 15(12): 1185-1204 (1985)

Coauthor Index

1Gilbert Baumann [13]
2Achille J.-P. Braquelaire (Jean-Pierre Braquelaire) [12]
3Srecko Brlek [4]
4Pierre Castéran [4]
5Irène Durand [5] [6]
6John Hamer [13]
7Christoph M. Hoffmann [1]
8Christof Lutteroth [14]
9Timo Metzemakers [8]
10Alain Miniussi [8] [11]
11Michael J. O'Donnell [1]
12Bruno Salinier [9] [10]
13David Sherman [5] [6] [7] [8]
14Gerald Weber [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)