
Arne Storjohann

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27EEWayne Eberly, Mark Giesbrecht, Pascal Giorgi, Arne Storjohann, Gilles Villard: Faster inversion and other black box matrix computations using efficient block projections. ISSAC 2007: 143-150
26EEClément Pernet, Arne Storjohann: Faster algorithms for the characteristic polynomial. ISSAC 2007: 307-314
25EEWayne Eberly, Mark Giesbrecht, Pascal Giorgi, Arne Storjohann, Gilles Villard: Faster Inversion and Other Black Box Matrix Computations Using Efficient Block Projections CoRR abs/cs/0701188: (2007)
24EEArne Storjohann: Notes on computing minimal approximant bases. Challenges in Symbolic Computation Software 2006
23EEWayne Eberly, Mark Giesbrecht, Pascal Giorgi, Arne Storjohann, Gilles Villard: Solving sparse rational linear systems. ISSAC 2006: 63-70
22EEWayne Eberly, Mark Giesbrecht, Pascal Giorgi, Arne Storjohann, Gilles Villard: Solving Sparse Integer Linear Systems CoRR abs/cs/0603082: (2006)
21EEArne Storjohann, Gilles Villard: Computing the rank and a small nullspace basis of a polynomial matrix. ISSAC 2005: 309-316
20EEZhuliang Chen, Arne Storjohann: A BLAS based C library for exact linear algebra on integer matrices. ISSAC 2005: 92-99
19EEArne Storjohann, Gilles Villard: Computing the Rank and a Small Nullspace Basis of a Polynomial Matrix CoRR abs/cs/0505030: (2005)
18EEArne Storjohann: The shifted number system for fast linear algebra on integer matrices. J. Complexity 21(4): 609-650 (2005)
17EEThom Mulders, Arne Storjohann: Certified dense linear system solving. J. Symb. Comput. 37(4): 485-510 (2004)
16EEJürgen Gerhard, Mark Giesbrecht, Arne Storjohann, Eugene V. Zima: Shiftless decomposition and polynomial-time rational summation. ISSAC 2003: 119-126
15EEThom Mulders, Arne Storjohann: On lattice reduction for polynomial matrices. J. Symb. Comput. 35(4): 377-401 (2003)
14EEArne Storjohann: High-order lifting and integrality certification. J. Symb. Comput. 36(3-4): 613-648 (2003)
13EEArne Storjohann: High-order lifting. ISSAC 2002: 246-254
12EEMark Giesbrecht, Arne Storjohann: Computing Rational Forms of Integer Matrices. J. Symb. Comput. 34(3): 157-172 (2002)
11EEMark Giesbrecht, Michael J. Jacobson Jr., Arne Storjohann: Algorithms for Large Integer Matrix Problems. AAECC 2001: 297-307
10 Arne Storjohann: Deterministic Computation of the Frobenius Form. FOCS 2001: 368-377
9EEThom Mulders, Arne Storjohann: Rational solutions of singular linear systems. ISSAC 2000: 242-249
8EEThom Mulders, Arne Storjohann: Diophantine Linear System Solving. ISSAC 1999: 181-188
7EEArne Storjohann, Thom Mulders: Fast Algorithms for for Linear Algebra Modulo N. ESA 1998: 139-150
6EEArne Storjohann: An O(n3) Algorithm for the Frobenius Normal Form. ISSAC 1998: 101-105
5EEThom Mulders, Arne Storjohann: The Modulo N Extended GCD Problem for Polynomials. ISSAC 1998: 105-112
4 Arne Storjohann: A Solution to the Extended GCD Problem with Applications. ISSAC 1997: 109-116
3EEArne Storjohann, George Labahn: Asymptotically Fast Computation of Hermite Normal Forms of Integer Matrices. ISSAC 1996: 259-266
2EEArne Storjohann: Near Optimal Algorithms for Computing Smith Normal Forms of Integer Matrices. ISSAC 1996: 267-274
1EEArne Storjohann, George Labahn: Preconditioning of Rectangular Polynomial Matrices for Efficient Hermite Normal Form Computation. ISSAC 1995: 119-125

Coauthor Index

1Zhuliang Chen [20]
2Wayne Eberly [22] [23] [25] [27]
3Jürgen Gerhard [16]
4Mark Giesbrecht [11] [12] [16] [22] [23] [25] [27]
5Pascal Giorgi [22] [23] [25] [27]
6Michael J. Jacobson Jr. [11]
7George Labahn [1] [3]
8Thom Mulders [5] [7] [8] [9] [15] [17]
9Clément Pernet [26]
10Gilles Villard [19] [21] [22] [23] [25] [27]
11Eugene V. Zima [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)