
James A. Storer

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58EEAjay H. Daptardar, James A. Storer: VQ Based Image Retrieval Using Color and Position Features. DCC 2008: 432-441
57EEAntonella Di Lillo, Giovanni Motta, James A. Storer: Multiresolution Rotation-Invariant Texture Classification Using Feature Extraction in the Frequency Domain and Vector Quantization. DCC 2008: 452-461
56EEAntonella Di Lillo, James A. Storer, Giovanni Motta: Texture Classification Using VQ with Feature Extraction based on Transforms Motivated by the Human Visual System. DCC 2007: 392
55EEAntonella Di Lillo, Giovanni Motta, James A. Storer: Texture Classification Based on Discriminative Features Extracted in the Frequency Domain. ICIP (2) 2007: 53-56
54EEAntonella Di Lillo, Giovanni Motta, James A. Storer: Supervised Segmentation Based on Texture Signatures Extracted in the Frequency Domain. IbPRIA (1) 2007: 89-96
53EEDana Shapira, James A. Storer: Edit distance with move operations. J. Discrete Algorithms 5(2): 380-392 (2007)
52EEAjay H. Daptardar, James A. Storer: Reduced Complexity Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Vector Quantization. DCC 2006: 342-351
51EEAjay H. Daptardar, James A. Storer: Content-Based Image Retrieval Via Vector Quantization. ISVC 2005: 502-509
50EEDana Shapira, James A. Storer: In Place Differential File Compression. Comput. J. 48(6): 677-691 (2005)
49EEFrancesco Rizzo, James A. Storer, Bruno Carpentieri: Overlap and channel errors in Adaptive Vector Quantization for image coding. Inf. Sci. 171(1-3): 125-143 (2005)
48EEFrancesco Rizzo, Bruno Carpentieri, Giovanni Motta, James A. Storer: High Performance Compression of Hyperspectral Imagery with Reduced Search Complexity in the Compressed Domain. Data Compression Conference 2004: 479-488
47EEDana Shapira, James A. Storer: In-Place Differential File Compression of Non-Aligned Files With Applications to File Distribution, Backups, and String Similarity. Data Compression Conference 2004: 82-91
46 Bruno Carpentieri, James A. Storer, Giovanni Motta, Francesco Rizzo: Compression of Hyperspectral Imagery. ICETE (3) 2004: 317-324
45EEDana Shapira, James A. Storer: In-Place Differential File Compression. DCC 2003: 263-272
44EEGiovanni Motta, Francesco Rizzo, James A. Storer: Compression of Hyperspectral Imagery. DCC 2003: 333-342
43EEDana Shapira, James A. Storer: Large Edit Distance with Multiple Block Operations. SPIRE 2003: 369-377
42EEDana Shapira, James A. Storer: Edit Distance with Move Operations. CPM 2002: 85-98
41EEFrancesco Rizzo, James A. Storer: Overlap in Adaptive Vector Quantization. Data Compression Conference 2001: 401-410
40 Francesco Rizzo, James A. Storer, Bruno Carpentieri: LZ-based image compression. Inf. Sci. 135(1-2): 107-122 (2001)
39 John H. Reif, James A. Storer: Optimal encoding of non-stationary sources. Inf. Sci. 135(1-2): 87-105 (2001)
38EEGiovanni Motta, James A. Storer, Bruno Carpentieri: Improving Scene Cut Quality for Real-Time Video Decoding. Data Compression Conference 2000: 470-479
37EEGiovanni Motta, James A. Storer, Bruno Carpentieri: Adaptive Linear Prediction Lossless Image Coding. Data Compression Conference 1999: 491-500
36EEFrancesco Rizzo, James A. Storer, Bruno Carpentieri: Experiments with Single-Pass Adaptive Vector Quantization. Data Compression Conference 1999: 546
35EEJames A. Storer: The Prevention of Error Propagation in Dictionary Compression with Update and Deletion. Data Compression Conference 1998: 199-208
34EEJohn H. Reif, James A. Storer: Optimal Lossless Compression of a Class of Dynamic Sources. Data Compression Conference 1998: 501-510
33 James A. Storer, John H. Reif: Low-Cost Prevention of Error Propagation for Data Compression with Dynamic Dictionaries. Data Compression Conference 1997: 171-180
32 James A. Storer, Harald Helfgott: Lossless Image Compression by Block Matching. Comput. J. 40(2/3): 137-145 (1997)
31 James A. Storer, John H. Reif: Error-Resilient Optimal Data Compression. SIAM J. Comput. 26(4): 934-949 (1997)
30 James A. Storer: Lossless Image Compression Using Generalized LZ1-Type Methods. Data Compression Conference 1996: 290-299
29EESergio De Agostino, James A. Storer: On-Line Versus Off-Line Computation in Dynamic Text Compression. Inf. Process. Lett. 59(3): 169-174 (1996)
28 D. Belinskaya, Sergio De Agostino, James A. Storer: Near Optimal Compression with Respect to a Static Dictionary on a Practical Massively Parallel Architecture. Data Compression Conference 1995: 172-181
27 Corneliu Constantinescu, James A. Storer: Improved Techniques for Single-Pass Adaptive VQ. Data Compression Conference 1994: 410-419
26 Abraham Bookstein, James A. Storer: Introduction to the Special Issue on Data Compression. Inf. Process. Manage. 30(6): 731-732 (1994)
25 Corneliu Constantinescu, James A. Storer: Online Adaptive Vector Quantization with Variable Size Codebook Enteries. Inf. Process. Manage. 30(6): 745-758 (1994)
24 Jianhua Lin, James A. Storer: Design and Performance of Tree-Structured Vector Quantizers. Inf. Process. Manage. 30(6): 851-862 (1994)
23 Bruno Carpentieri, James A. Storer: Optimal Inter-Frame Alignment for Video Compression. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 5(2): 165-177 (1994)
22EEJohn H. Reif, James A. Storer: A Single-Exponential Upper Bound for Finding Shortest Paths in Three Dimensions. J. ACM 41(5): 1013-1019 (1994)
21EEJames A. Storer, John H. Reif: Shortest Paths in the Plane with Polygonal Obstacles. J. ACM 41(5): 982-1012 (1994)
20 Jianhua Lin, James A. Storer: Design and Performance of Tree-Structured Vector Quantizers. Data Compression Conference 1993: 292-301
19 Corneliu Constantinescu, James A. Storer: On-Line Adaptive Vector Quantization with Variable Size Codebook Entries. Data Compression Conference 1993: 32-41
18 Bruno Carpentieri, James A. Storer: A Split-Merge Parallel Block-Matching Algorithm for Video Displacement Estimation. Data Compression Conference 1992: 239-248
17 Jianhua Lin, James A. Storer: Improving Search for Tree-Structured Vector Quantization. Data Compression Conference 1992: 339-348
16 Sergio De Agostino, James A. Storer: Parallel Algorithms for Optimal Compression Using Dictionaries with the Prefix Property. Data Compression Conference 1992: 52-61
15 Abraham Bookstein, James A. Storer: Data Compression. Inf. Process. Manage. 28(6): 675-680 (1992)
14 Jianhua Lin, James A. Storer, Martin Cohn: Optimal Pruning for Tree-Structured Vector Quantization. Inf. Process. Manage. 28(6): 723-734 (1992)
13 Jianhua Lin, James A. Storer, Martin Cohn: On The Complexity of Optimal Tree Pruning for Source Coding. Data Compression Conference 1991: 63-72
12 James A. Storer, John H. Reif: A Parallel Architecture for High-Speed Data Compression. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 13(2): 222-227 (1991)
11 Jianhua Lin, James A. Storer: Processor-Efficient Hypercube Algorithms for the Knapsack Problem. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 13(3): 332-337 (1991)
10 James A. Storer: Data Compression: Methods and Theory. Computer Science Press 1988
9 John H. Reif, James A. Storer: 3-Dimensional Shortest Paths in the Presence of Polyhedral Obstacles. MFCS 1988: 85-92
8EEM. E. Gonzalez Smith, James A. Storer: Parallel Algorithms for Data Compression J. ACM 32(2): 344-373 (1985)
7 James A. Storer: On the Complexity of Chess. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 27(1): 77-100 (1983)
6 James A. Storer: Toward an Abstract Theory of Data Compression. Theor. Comput. Sci. 24: 221-237 (1983)
5EEJames A. Storer, Thomas G. Szymanski: Data compression via textural substitution. J. ACM 29(4): 928-951 (1982)
4 James A. Storer: Constructing Full Spanning Trees for Cubic Graphs. Inf. Process. Lett. 13(1): 8-11 (1981)
3 James A. Storer: The Node Cost Measure for Embedding Graphs on the Planar Grid (Extended Abstract) STOC 1980: 201-210
2 John Gallant, David Maier, James A. Storer: On Finding Minimal Length Superstrings. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 20(1): 50-58 (1980)
1 James A. Storer, Thomas G. Szymanski: The Macro Model for Data Compression (Extended Abstract) STOC 1978: 30-39

Coauthor Index

1Sergio De Agostino [16] [28] [29]
2D. Belinskaya [28]
3Abraham Bookstein [15] [26]
4Bruno Carpentieri [18] [23] [36] [37] [38] [40] [46] [48] [49]
5Martin Cohn [13] [14]
6Corneliu Constantinescu [19] [25] [27]
7Ajay H. Daptardar [51] [52] [58]
8John Gallant [2]
9Harald Helfgott [32]
10Antonella Di Lillo [54] [55] [56] [57]
11Jianhua Lin [11] [13] [14] [17] [20] [24]
12David Maier [2]
13Giovanni Motta [37] [38] [44] [46] [48] [54] [55] [56] [57]
14John H. Reif [9] [12] [21] [22] [31] [33] [34] [39]
15Francesco Rizzo [36] [40] [41] [44] [46] [48] [49]
16Dana Shapira [42] [43] [45] [47] [50] [53]
17M. E. Gonzalez Smith [8]
18Thomas G. Szymanski [1] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)