
Josef Stoer

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7EEMartin Preiß, Josef Stoer: Analysis of infeasible-interior-point paths arising with semidefinite linear complementarity problems. Math. Program. 99(3): 499-520 (2004)
6EEJosef Stoer: High Order Long-Step Methods for Solving Linear Complementarity Problems. Annals OR 103(1-4): 149-159 (2001)
5 Josef Stoer, Martin Wechs: Infeasible-interior-point paths for sufficient linear complementarity problems and their analyticity. Math. Program. 83: 407-423 (1998)
4 G. Sonnevend, Josef Stoer, G. Zhao: On the complexity of following the central path of linear programs by linear extrapolation II. Math. Program. 52: 527-553 (1991)
3 Josef Stoer: On the Convergence Behaviour of Some Minimization Algorithms. IFIP Congress 1974: 476-482
2EEJosef Stoer: A Direct Method for Chebyshev Approximation by Rational Functions. J. ACM 11(1): 59-69 (1964)
1EEFriedrich L. Bauer, Josef Stoer: Algorithm 105: Newton Maehly. Commun. ACM 5(7): 387-388 (1962)

Coauthor Index

1Friedrich L. Bauer [1]
2Martin Preiß [7]
3G. Sonnevend [4]
4Martin Wechs [5]
5G. Zhao [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)