
Arunas Stockus

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5EEJean-Michel Follin, Alain Bouju, Frédéric Bertrand, Arunas Stockus: An Increment Based Model for Multi-resolution Geodata Management in a Mobile System. W2GIS 2005: 42-53
4EEArunas Stockus, Alain Bouju, Frédéric Bertrand, Patrice Boursier: Accessing to Spatial Data in Mobile Environment. WISE (2) 2001: 57-65
3EEArunas Stockus, Alain Bouju, Frédéric Bertrand, Patrice Boursier: Integrating GPS Data Within Embedded Internet GIS. ACM-GIS 1999: 134-139
2EEAlain Bouju, Arunas Stockus, Frédéric Bertrand, Patrice Boursier: Client-Server Architecture for Accessing Multimedia and Geographic Databases within Embedded Systems. DEXA Workshop 1999: 760-764
1EEJean-Bernard Lagorce, Arunas Stockus, Emmanuel Waller: Object-Oriented Database Evolution. ICDT 1997: 379-393

Coauthor Index

1Frédéric Bertrand [2] [3] [4] [5]
2Alain Bouju [2] [3] [4] [5]
3Patrice Boursier [2] [3] [4]
4Jean-Michel Follin [5]
5Jean-Bernard Lagorce [1]
6Emmanuel Waller [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)