
Wolfgang G. Stock

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6EEStefanie Schmidt, Wolfgang G. Stock: Collective indexing of emotions in images. A study in emotional information retrieval. JASIST 60(5): 863-876 (2009)
5EEMechtild Stock, Wolfgang G. Stock: Intellectual property information: A comparative analysis of main information providers. JASIST 57(13): 1794-1803 (2006)
4EEWolfgang G. Stock: On relevance distributions. JASIST 57(8): 1126-1129 (2006)
3EENicole Altvater-Mackensen, Gregor Balicki, Lucie Bestakowa, Bianca Bocatius, Johannes Braun, Lars Brehmer, Verena Brune, Kirstina Eigemeier, Füsun Erdem, Ralf Fritscher, Anne Jacobs, Bernd Klingsporn, Marcin Kosinski, Julia Kuntze, Ju-Ra Lee, Anna Osterhage, Martin Probost, Thorsten Risch, Tobias Schmitt, Wolfgang G. Stock, Anja Sturm, Katrin Weller, Kerstin Werner: Science and technology in the region: The output of regional science and technology, its strengths and its leading institutions. Scientometrics 63(3): 463-529 (2005)
2EEChristian Schloegl, Wolfgang G. Stock: Impact and relevance of LIS journals: A scientometric analysis of international and German-language LIS journals - Citation analysis versus reader survey. JASIST 55(13): 1155-1168 (2004)
1 Willi Bredemeier, Wolfgang G. Stock: Informationskompetenz europäischer Volkswirtschaften. ISI 2000: 227-244

Coauthor Index

1Nicole Altvater-Mackensen [3]
2Gregor Balicki [3]
3Lucie Bestakowa [3]
4Bianca Bocatius [3]
5Johannes Braun [3]
6Willi Bredemeier [1]
7Lars Brehmer [3]
8Verena Brune [3]
9Kirstina Eigemeier [3]
10Füsun Erdem [3]
11Ralf Fritscher [3]
12Anne Jacobs [3]
13Bernd Klingsporn [3]
14Marcin Kosinski [3]
15Julia Kuntze [3]
16Ju-Ra Lee [3]
17Anna Osterhage [3]
18Martin Probost [3]
19Thorsten Risch [3]
20Christian Schloegl [2]
21Stefanie Schmidt [6]
22Tobias Schmitt [3]
23Mechtild Stock [5]
24Anja Sturm [3]
25Katrin Weller [3]
26Kerstin Werner [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)