
W. Clark Still

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10EEOlgun Guvench, Jörg Weiser, Peter S. Shenkin, István Kolossváry, W. Clark Still: Application of the frozen atom approximation to the GB/SA continuum model for solvation free energy. Journal of Computational Chemistry 23(2): 214-221 (2002)
9EEJörg Weiser, Peter S. Shenkin, W. Clark Still: Approximate atomic surfaces from linear combinations of pairwise overlaps (LCPO). Journal of Computational Chemistry 20(2): 217-230 (1999)
8EEJörg Weiser, Peter S. Shenkin, W. Clark Still: Fast, approximate algorithm for detection of solvent-inaccessible atoms. Journal of Computational Chemistry 20(6): 586-596 (1999)
7EEJörg Weiser, Peter S. Shenkin, W. Clark Still: Optimization of Gaussian surface calculations and extension to solvent-accessible surface areas. Journal of Computational Chemistry 20(7): 688-703 (1999)
6EEHanoch Senderowitz, W. Clark Still: Sampling potential energy surface of glycyl glycine peptide: Comparison of Metropolis Monte Carlo and stochastic dynamics. Journal of Computational Chemistry 19(11): 1294-1299 (1998)
5EEHanoch Senderowitz, W. Clark Still: MC(JBW): Simple but smart Monte Carlo algorithm for free energy simulations of multiconformational molecules. Journal of Computational Chemistry 19(15): 1736-1745 (1998)
4EEM. Rami Reddy, Mark D. Erion, Atul Agarwal, Vellarkad N. Viswanadhan, D. Quentin McDonald, W. Clark Still: Solvation free energies calculated using the GB/SA model: Sensitivity of results on charge sets, protocols, and force fields. Journal of Computational Chemistry 19(7): 769-780 (1998)
3EEJörg Weiser, Armin A. Weiser, Peter S. Shenkin, W. Clark Still: Neighbor-list reduction: Optimization for computation of molecular van der Waals and solvent-accessible surface areas. Journal of Computational Chemistry 19(7): 797-808 (1998)
2EEJörg Weiser, Armin A. Weiser, Peter S. Shenkin, W. Clark Still: Neighbor-list reduction: Optimization for computation of molecular van der Waals and solvent-accessible surface areas. Journal of Computational Chemistry 19(9): 1110 (1998)
1 Frank Guarnieri, W. Clark Still: A Rapidly Convergent Simulation Method: Mixed Monte Carlo/Stochastic Dynamics. Journal of Computational Chemistry 15(11): 1302-1310 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Atul Agarwal [4]
2Mark D. Erion [4]
3Frank Guarnieri [1]
4Olgun Guvench [10]
5István Kolossváry [10]
6D. Quentin McDonald [4]
7M. Rami Reddy [4]
8Hanoch Senderowitz [5] [6]
9Peter S. Shenkin [2] [3] [7] [8] [9] [10]
10Vellarkad N. Viswanadhan [4]
11Armin A. Weiser [2] [3]
12Jörg Weiser [2] [3] [7] [8] [9] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)