
Andreea-Rodica Sterian

Andreea Sterian

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8EEValerica Ninulescu, Vladua-Bogdan Nicolae, Andreea Sterian: Quantum Well Lasers for Medical Industry. BIRD 2008: 563-570
7EEAndreea-Rodica Sterian: Computer Modeling of the Coherent Optical Amplifier and Laser Systems. ICCSA (1) 2007: 436-449
6EEAndrei D. Petrescu, Andreea-Rodica Sterian, Paul E. Sterian: Solitons Propagation in Optical Fibers Computer Experiments for Students Training. ICCSA (1) 2007: 450-461
5EEBogdan Lazar, Andreea Sterian, Stefan Pusca, Viorel Paun, Cristian Toma, Cristian Morarescu: Simulating Delayed Pulses in Organic Materials. ICCSA (1) 2006: 779-784
4EEDan Iordache, Stefan Pusca, Ghiocel Toma, Viorel Paun, Andreea Sterian, Cristian Morarescu: Analysis of Compatibility with Experimental Data of Fractal Descriptions of the Fracture Parameters. ICCSA (1) 2006: 804-813
3EEAndreea Sterian, Ghiocel Toma: Possibilities for Obtaining the Derivative of a Received Signal Using Computer-Driven Second Order Oscillators. ICCSA (3) 2005: 585-591
2EEValerica Ninulescu, Andreea-Rodica Sterian: Dynamics of a Two-Level Medium Under the Action of Short Optical Pulses. ICCSA (3) 2005: 635-642
1EEAndreea Sterian, Valerica Ninulescu: Nonlinear Phenomena in Erbium-Doped Lasers. ICCSA (3) 2005: 643-650

Coauthor Index

1Dan Iordache [4]
2Bogdan Lazar [5]
3Cristian Morarescu [4] [5]
4Vladua-Bogdan Nicolae [8]
5Valerica Ninulescu [1] [2] [8]
6Viorel Paun [4] [5]
7Andrei D. Petrescu [6]
8Stefan Pusca [4] [5]
9Paul E. Sterian [6]
10Cristian Toma [5]
11Ghiocel Toma [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)