
Dick Stenmark

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16EEDick Stenmark: Identifying clusters of user behavior in intranet search engine log files. JASIST 59(14): 2232-2243 (2008)
15EEFredric Landqvist, Dick Stenmark: Portal Information Integration and Ownership Misfits: A Case Study in a Tourism Setting. HICSS 2006
14EEDick Stenmark: How Intranets Differ from the Web: Organisational Culture's Effect on Technology. ECIS 2005
13EEDick Stenmark: Knowledge Sharing on a Corporate Intranet: Effects of Re-Instating Web Authoring Capability. ECIS 2005
12EEDick Stenmark: Query Expansion on a Corporate Intranet: Using LSI to Increase Precision in Explorative Search. HICSS 2005
11EEDick Stenmark: Failures of reward-driven behaviour in industry: a case of systems, management and creativity. ECIS 2004
10EEDick Stenmark, Rikard Lindgren: Integrating Knowledge Management Systems with Everyday Work: Design Principles Leveraging User Practice. HICSS 2004
9EEDick Stenmark: The Relationship between Information and Knowledge and the Role of IT in Knowledge Management. HICSS 2002: 104
8EEDick Stenmark: Group Cohesiveness and Extrinsic Motivation in Virtual Groups: Lessons from an Action Case Study of Electronic Brainstorming. HICSS 2002: 16
7EERikard Lindgren, Dick Stenmark: Designing Competence Systems - Towards Interest-Actvated Technology. Scandinavian J. Inf. Systems 14(1): (2002)
6EERikard Lindgren, Dick Stenmark, Magnus Bergquist, Jan Ljungberg: Rethinking competence systems for innovative organizations. ECIS 2001
5EEDick Stenmark: The Mindpool Hybrid: A New Angle on EBS and Suggestion Systems. HICSS 2001
4EEDick Stenmark: Turning Tacit Knowledge Tangible. HICSS 2000
3 Dick Stenmark: Enabling Conditions for Organisational Knowledge Creation. WebNet 2000: 501-506
2 Dick Stenmark: Using Intranet Agents to Capture Tacit Knowledge. WebNet 1999: 1000-1005
1 Dick Stenmark: Asynchronous Brainstorm: An Intranet Application for Creativity. WebNet 1999: 1429-1430

Coauthor Index

1Magnus Bergquist [6]
2Fredric Landqvist [15]
3Rikard Lindgren [6] [7] [10]
4Jan Ljungberg [6]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)