
Paul Steinmann

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7EEHolger A. Meier, Michael Schlemmer, Christian Wagner, Andreas Kerren, Hans Hagen, Ellen Kuhl, Paul Steinmann: Visualization of Particle Interactions in Granular Media. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 14(5): 1110-1125 (2008)
6 Holger A. Meier, Paul Steinmann, Ellen Kuhl: Towards Completeness, a Multiscale Approach of Confined Particulate Systems. Visualization of Large and Unstructured Data Sets 2007: 103-114
5 Patrick R. Schmitt, Paul Steinmann: Geometrie Numerical Integration of Simple Dynamical Systems. Visualization of Large and Unstructured Data Sets 2007: 115-124
4 Rouven Mohr, Tom Bobach, Younis Hijazi, Gerd Reis, Paul Steinmann, Hans Hagen: Comparative Tensor Visualisation within the Framework of Consistent Time-Stepping Schemes. Visualization of Large and Unstructured Data Sets 2007: 36-53
3 C. B. Hirschberger, Sarah Ricker, Paul Steinmann, N. Sukumar: Deriving Global Material Properties of a Microscopically Heterogeneous Medium - Computational Homogenisation and Opportunities in Visualisation. Visualization of Large and Unstructured Data Sets 2007: 76-87
2 Rouven Mohr, Andreas Menzel, Paul Steinmann: Finite Elasto-Plasto-Dynamics - Challenges & Solutions. Visualization of Large and Unstructured Data Sets 2007: 88-102
1EEPeter Herzenstiel, Robin C. Y. Ching, Sarah Ricker, Andreas Menzel, Paul Steinmann, Jan C. Aurich: Interaction of process and machine during high-performance grinding: towards a comprehensive simulation concept. IJMTM 12(1/2/3): 155-170 (2007)

Coauthor Index

1Jan C. Aurich [1]
2Tom Bobach [4]
3Robin C. Y. Ching [1]
4Hans Hagen [4] [7]
5Peter Herzenstiel [1]
6Younis Hijazi [4]
7C. B. Hirschberger [3]
8Andreas Kerren [7]
9Ellen Kuhl [6] [7]
10Holger A. Meier [6] [7]
11Andreas Menzel [1] [2]
12Rouven Mohr [2] [4]
13Gerd Reis [4]
14Sarah Ricker [1] [3]
15Michael Schlemmer [7]
16Patrick R. Schmitt [5]
17N. Sukumar [3]
18Christian Wagner [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)