
Teodor Stefanut

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4EEDorian Gorgan, Teodor Stefanut, Victor Bacu: Grid Based Training Environment for Earth Observation. GPC 2009: 98-109
3EEDorian Gorgan, Teodor Stefanut: Knowledge Assessment for Annotation Techniques on Medical eLearning Objects. CBMS 2008: 379-384
2EEDorian Gorgan, Teodor Stefanut, Madalina Veres, Istvan Gabos: Knowledge Assessment Based on Evaluation of 3D Graphics Annotation in Lesson Context. USAB 2008: 145-160
1EEDorian Gorgan, Teodor Stefanut, Bogdan Gavrea: Pen Based Graphical Annotation in Medical Education. CBMS 2007: 681-686

Coauthor Index

1Victor Bacu [4]
2Istvan Gabos [2]
3Bogdan Gavrea [1]
4Dorian Gorgan [1] [2] [3] [4]
5Madalina Veres [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)