
Christopher B. Stapleton

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8EEChristopher B. Stapleton, Charles E. Hughes: Believing is Seeing: Cultivating Radical Media Innovations. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 26(1): 88-93 (2006)
7EEChristopher B. Stapleton, Eileen M. Smith, Charles E. Hughes: The Art of Nurturing Citizen Scientists through Mixed Reality. ISMAR 2005: 2-11
6EEChristopher B. Stapleton: The Art of Technology and the Future of MR: Integrating an Artistic Approach to Transform the Next Generation of Mixed and Augmented Reality. ISMAR 2005
5EECharles E. Hughes, Christopher B. Stapleton, Darin E. Hughes, Eileen M. Smith: Mixed Reality in Education, Entertainment, and Training. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 25(6): 24-30 (2005)
4 Christopher B. Stapleton, Charles E. Hughes, S. Malo: Extreme MR: Going Beyond Reality to Create Extreme Multi-Modal Mixed Reality for Entertainment, Training and Education. ISMAR 2004: 306
3EEChristopher B. Stapleton, Charles E. Hughes, J. Michael Moshell: MIXED FANTASY: Exhibition of Entertainment Research for Mixed Reality. ISMAR 2003: 354-355
2 Christopher B. Stapleton, Charles E. Hughes: Interactive Imagination: Tapping the Emotions through Interactive Story for Compelling Simulations. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 23(5): 11-15 (2003)
1EEChristopher B. Stapleton, Charles E. Hughes, J. Michael Moshell, Paulius Micikevicius, Marty Altman: Applying Mixed Reality to Entertainment. IEEE Computer 35(12): 122-124 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Marty Altman [1]
2Charles E. Hughes [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8]
3Darin E. Hughes [5]
4S. Malo [4]
5Paulius Micikevicius [1]
6J. Michael Moshell [1] [3]
7Eileen M. Smith [5] [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)