
Irene Stahl

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6 Irene Weber, Birgit Tausend, Irene Stahl: Language Series Revisited: The Complexity of Hypothesis Spaces in ILP (Extended Abstract). ECML 1995: 360-363
5 Irene Stahl: The Appropriateness of Predicate Invention as Bias Shift Operation in ILP. Machine Learning 20(1-2): 95-117 (1995)
4 Irene Stahl: On the Utility of Predicate Invention in Inductive Logic Programming. ECML 1994: 272-286
3 Irene Stahl: Properties of Inductive Logic Programming in Function-Free Horn Logic. ECML 1994: 423-426
2 Irene Stahl: Predicate Invention in ILP - an Overview. ECML 1993: 313-322
1 Irene Stahl, Birgit Tausend, Rüdiger Wirth: Two Methods for Improving Inductive Logic Programming Systems. ECML 1993: 41-55

Coauthor Index

1Birgit Tausend [1] [6]
2Irene Weber [6]
3Rüdiger Wirth [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)