
Federico Stagni

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3EEValerio Venturi, Morris Riedel, A. Shiraz Memon, M. Shahbaz Memon, Federico Stagni, Bernd Schuller, Daniel Mallmann, Bastian Tweddell, Alberto Gianoli, Sven van den Berghe, David F. Snelling, Achim Streit: Using SAML-Based VOMS for Authorization within Web Services-Based UNICORE Grids. Euro-Par Workshops 2007: 112-120
2EEValerio Venturi, Federico Stagni, Alberto Gianoli, Andrea Ceccanti, Vincenzo Ciaschini: Virtual Organization Management Across Middleware Boundaries. eScience 2007: 545-552
1EEAntonia Ghiselli, Federico Stagni, Riccardo Zappi: Review of Security Models Applied to Distributed Data Access. Euro-Par Workshops 2006: 34-48

Coauthor Index

1Sven van den Berghe [3]
2Andrea Ceccanti [2]
3Vincenzo Ciaschini [2]
4Antonia Ghiselli [1]
5Alberto Gianoli [2] [3]
6Daniel Mallmann [3]
7A. Shiraz Memon [3]
8M. Shahbaz Memon [3]
9Morris Riedel [3]
10Bernd Schuller [3]
11David F. Snelling [3]
12Achim Streit [3]
13Bastian Tweddell [3]
14Valerio Venturi [2] [3]
15Riccardo Zappi [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)