
Rodger Staden

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14 James K. Bonfield, Kathryn F. Beal, Matthew J. Betts, Rodger Staden: Trev: a DNA trace editor and viewer. Bioinformatics 18(1): 194-195 (2002)
13 James K. Bonfield, Rodger Staden: ZTR: a new format for DNA sequence trace data. Bioinformatics 18(1): 3-10 (2002)
12 T. J. Gleeson, Rodger Staden: An X windows and UNIX implementation of our sequence analysis package. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 7(3): 398 (1991)
11 Rodger Staden: An improved sequence handling package that runs on the Apple Macintosh. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 6(4): 387-393 (1990)
10 Rodger Staden: Methods for calculating the probabilities of finding patterns in sequences. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 5(2): 89-96 (1989)
9 Rodger Staden: Methods for discovering novel motifs in nucleic acid sequences. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 5(4): 293-298 (1989)
8 J. Sulston, F. Mallett, Rodger Staden, R. Durbin, Terry Horsnell, A. Coulson: Software for genome mapping by fingerprinting techniques. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 4(1): 125-132 (1988)
7 Rodger Staden: Methods to define and locate patterns of motifs in sequences. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 4(1): 53-60 (1988)
6 Rodger Staden: The current status and portability of our sequence handling software. Nucleic Acids Research 14(1): 217-231 (1986)
5 Rodger Staden: A computer program to enter DNA gel reading data into a computer. Nucleic Acids Research 12(1): 499-503 (1984)
4 Rodger Staden: Computer methods to locate signals in nucleic acid sequences. Nucleic Acids Research 12(1): 505-519 (1984)
3 Rodger Staden: Graphic methods to determine the function of nucleic acid sequences. Nucleic Acids Research 12(1): 521-538 (1984)
2 Rodger Staden: Measurements of the effects that coding for a protein has on a DNA sequence and their use for finding genes. Nucleic Acids Research 12(1): 551-567 (1984)
1 Rodger Staden, A. D. McLachlan: Codon preference and its use in identifying protein coding regions in long DNA sequences. Nucleic Acids Research 10(1): 141-156 (1982)

Coauthor Index

1Kathryn F. Beal [14]
2Matthew J. Betts [14]
3James K. Bonfield [13] [14]
4A. Coulson [8]
5R. Durbin [8]
6T. J. Gleeson [12]
7Terry Horsnell [8]
8F. Mallett [8]
9A. D. McLachlan [1]
10J. Sulston [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)