
G. M. Stacey

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6 H. H. Alexander, T. Beetstra, D. Bell, Stephen J. Cannan, E. G. Dee, P. Doyle, G. Fitzgerald, C. French, J. O. Jefferys, Jon M. Kerridge, W. R. Pilgrim, D. Rabone, F. G. Ras, M. Reilly, H. M. Robinson, G. M. Stacey, A. J. Weatherhead: British Computer Society / CODASYL Data Base Administration Working Group (DBAWG): An Architecture and Language Syntax for Distributed Databases for the Network Model. BNCOD 1984: 207-224
5 G. Fitzgerald, J. O. Jefferys, Jon M. Kerridge, W. R. Pilgrim, H. M. Robinson, G. M. Stacey: A Reference Model and Abstract Syntax for Distributed Database Systems. BNCOD 1982: 133-146
4 G. M. Stacey: The Interface between a Data Base and its Host Languages. IFIP Working Conference Data Base Management 1974: 305-312
3 G. M. Stacey: A FORTRAN Interface to the CODASYL Database Task Group Specifications. Comput. J. 17(2): 124-129 (1974)
2EEJ. B. Grimson, G. M. Stacey: A performance study of some directory structures for large files. Information Storage and Retrieval 10(11-12): 357-364 (1974)
1 G. M. Stacey: The Role of Virtual Memory in the Handling of Application Files. Inf. Process. Lett. 1(1): 1-3 (1971)

Coauthor Index

1H. H. Alexander [6]
2T. Beetstra [6]
3D. Bell [6]
4Stephen J. Cannan [6]
5E. G. Dee [6]
6P. Doyle [6]
7G. Fitzgerald [5] [6]
8C. French [6]
9J. B. Grimson [2]
10J. O. Jefferys [5] [6]
11Jon M. Kerridge [5] [6]
12W. R. Pilgrim [5] [6]
13D. Rabone [6]
14F. G. Ras [6]
15M. Reilly [6]
16H. M. Robinson [5] [6]
17A. J. Weatherhead [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)