
Sebastian Staamann

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10EEEnrico Heinrich, Sebastian Staamann, Ralf Joost, Ralf Salomon: Comparison of FPGA-based implementation alternatives for complex algorithms in networked embedded systems - the encryption example. ETFA 2008: 1449-1456
9EEChristoph Becker, Sebastian Staamann, Ralf Salomon: Security Analysis of the Utilization of Corba Object References as Authorization Tokens. ISORC 2007: 196-203
8EEUwe G. Wilhelm, Sebastian Staamann, Levente Buttyán: A Pessimistic Approach to Trust in Mobile Agent Platforms. IEEE Internet Computing 4(5): 40-48 (2000)
7 Sebastian Staamann, Levente Buttyán, Allan Coignet, Ernesto Ruggiano, Uwe G. Wilhelm, Marc Zweiacker: Closed user groups in Internet service centres. DAIS 1999: 439-
6EESebastian Staamann, Uwe G. Wilhelm: Workshop on Electronic Commerce - Foreword. SRDS 1999: 329
5 Uwe G. Wilhelm, Sebastian Staamann, Levente Buttyán: Introducing Trusted Third Parties to the Mobile Agent Paradigm. Secure Internet Programming 1999: 469-489
4EELevente Buttyán, Sebastian Staamann, Uwe G. Wilhelm: A Simple Logic for Authentication Protocol Design. CSFW 1998: 153-162
3EEUwe G. Wilhelm, Sebastian Staamann, Levente Buttyán: Protecting the Itinerary of Mobile Agents. ECOOP Workshops 1998: 301
2EEUwe G. Wilhelm, Sebastian Staamann, Levente Buttyán: On the Problem of Trust in Mobile Agent Systems. NDSS 1998
1 Sebastian Staamann, Uwe G. Wilhelm: Cryptographic Protection of Connection Integrity with Interruption Detection in TINA. DAIS 1997

Coauthor Index

1Christoph Becker [9]
2Levente Buttyán [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8]
3Allan Coignet [7]
4Enrico Heinrich [10]
5Ralf Joost [10]
6Ernesto Ruggiano [7]
7Ralf Salomon [9] [10]
8Uwe G. Wilhelm [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
9Marc Zweiacker [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)