
Suresh Sridhar

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5 Bezalel Gavish, Suresh Sridhar: The Impact of Mobility on Cellular Network Configuration. Wireless Networks 7(2): 173-185 (2001)
4 Hemant K. Bhargava, Suresh Sridhar, Craig Herrick: Beyond Spreadsheets: Tools for Building Decision Support Systems. IEEE Computer 32(3): 31-39 (1999)
3 Bezalel Gavish, Suresh Sridhar: Threshold Priority Policy for Channel Assignment in Cellular Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 46(3): 367-370 (1997)
2 Bezalel Gavish, Suresh Sridhar: Economic aspects of configuring cellular networks. Wireless Networks 1(1): 115-128 (1995)
1EEBezalel Gavish, Suresh Sridhar: O(n) algorithms for load balancing in distributed computing systems. Computers & OR 21(3): 239-248 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Hemant K. Bhargava [4]
2Bezalel Gavish [1] [2] [3] [5]
3Craig Herrick [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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