
K. N. Sridhar

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6EEK. N. Sridhar, Mun Choon Chan: Channel-aware packet scheduling for MANETs. WOWMOM 2008: 1-9
5EEK. N. Sridhar, Shuai Hao, Mun Choon Chan, Akkihebbal L. Ananda: EGRESS: Environment for Generating REalistic Scenarios for Simulations. DS-RT 2006: 15-24
4EEK. N. Sridhar, Lillykutty Jacob: Performance evaluation and enhancement of a link stability based routing protocol for MANETs. IJHPCN 4(1/2): 66-77 (2006)
3EEGabriel Ciobanu, K. N. Sridhar: Specifications and Verification of Network Protocols by Process Algebra. SYNASC 2005: 250-258
2EEK. N. Sridhar, Gabriel Ciobanu: Describing IEEE 802.11 Wireless Mechanisms by Using the pi-Calculus and Performance Evaluation Process Algebra. FORTE Workshops 2004: 233-247
1EEK. N. Sridhar, Lillykutty Jacob, Rajeev Shorey: Performance Evaluation and Enhancement of Link Stability Based Routing for MANETs. ICPP Workshops 2004: 133-140

Coauthor Index

1Akkihebbal L. Ananda [5]
2Mun Choon Chan [5] [6]
3Gabriel Ciobanu [2] [3]
4Shuai Hao [5]
5Lillykutty Jacob [1] [4]
6Rajeev Shorey [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)