
Dheeraj Sreedhar

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4EEDheeraj Sreedhar, Ananthanarayanan Chockalingam, B. Sundar Rajan: Single-Symbol ML Decodable Distributed STBCs for Partially-Coherent Cooperative Networks. ICC 2008: 1029-1033
3EEDheeraj Sreedhar, Ananthanarayanan Chockalingam, B. Sundar Rajan: Single-Symbol ML Decodable Distributed STBCs for Partially-Coherent Cooperative Networks CoRR abs/0708.3019: (2007)
2EEShamaiah Manohar, Dheeraj Sreedhar, Vibhor Tikiya, Ananthanarayanan Chockalingam: Cancellation of Multiuser Interference Due to Carrier Frequency Offsets in Uplink OFDMA. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(7): 2560-2571 (2007)
1EEDheeraj Sreedhar, Ananthanarayanan Chockalingam: MMSE Receiver for Multiuser Interference Cancellation in Uplink OFDMA. VTC Spring 2006: 2125-2129

Coauthor Index

1Ananthanarayanan Chockalingam [1] [2] [3] [4]
2Shamaiah Manohar [2]
3B. Sundar Rajan (Bikash Sundar Rajan) [3] [4]
4Vibhor Tikiya [2]

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