
François Soumis

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17EEAhmed Hadjar, François Soumis: Dynamic window reduction for the multiple depot vehicle scheduling problem with time windows. Computers & OR 36(7): 2160-2172 (2009)
16EEIssmail Elhallaoui, Guy Desaulniers, Abdelmoutalib Metrane, François Soumis: Bi-dynamic constraint aggregation and subproblem reduction. Computers & OR 35(5): 1713-1724 (2008)
15EEIdris Addou, François Soumis: Bechtold-Jacobs generalized model for shift scheduling with extraordinary overlap. Annals OR 155(1): 177-205 (2007)
14EEMohamed Hamdouni, Guy Desaulniers, François Soumis: Parking buses in a depot using block patterns: A Benders decomposition approach for minimizing type mismatches. Computers & OR 34(11): 3362-3379 (2007)
13EEAnne Mercier, François Soumis: An integrated aircraft routing, crew scheduling and flight retiming model. Computers & OR 34(8): 2251-2265 (2007)
12EEMohamed Hamdouni, François Soumis, Guy Desaulniers: Parking buses in a depot with stochastic arrival times. European Journal of Operational Research 183(2): 502-515 (2007)
11EEAnass Nagih, François Soumis: Nodal aggregation of resource constraints in a shortest path problem. European Journal of Operational Research 172(2): 500-514 (2006)
10EENicolas Bélanger, Guy Desaulniers, François Soumis, Jacques Desrosiers: Periodic airline fleet assignment with time windows, spacing constraints, and time dependent revenues. European Journal of Operational Research 175(3): 1754-1766 (2006)
9EEHatem Ben Amor, Jacques Desrosiers, François Soumis: Recovering an optimal LP basis from an optimal dual solution. Oper. Res. Lett. 34(5): 569-576 (2006)
8EEDaniel Villeneuve, Jacques Desrosiers, Marco E. Lübbecke, François Soumis: On Compact Formulations for Integer Programs Solved by Column Generation. Annals OR 139(1): 375-388 (2005)
7EEAnne Mercier, Jean-François Cordeau, François Soumis: A computational study of Benders decomposition for the integrated aircraft routing and crew scheduling problem. Computers & OR 32: 1451-1476 (2005)
6EEMonia Rekik, Jean-François Cordeau, François Soumis: Using Benders Decomposition to Implicitly Model Tour Scheduling. Annals OR 128(1-4): 111-133 (2004)
5EEIrina Ioachim, Sylvie Gélinas, François Soumis, Jacques Desrosiers: A dynamic programming algorithm for the shortest path problem with time windows and linear node costs. Networks 31(3): 193-204 (1998)
4EEBeyime Tachefine, François Soumis: Maximal closure on a graph with resource constraints. Computers & OR 24(10): 981-990 (1997)
3EESilvano Martello, François Soumis, Paolo Toth: Exact and Approximation Algorithms for Makespan Minimization on Unrelated Parallel Machines. Discrete Applied Mathematics 75(2): 169-188 (1997)
2 Silvano Martello, François Soumis, Paolo Toth: An Exact Algorithm for Makespan Minimisation on Unrelated Parallel Machines. IPCO 1992: 181-200
1EEJacques Desrosiers, Gilbert Laporte, Michel Sauve, François Soumis, Serge Taillefer: Vehicle routing with full loads. Computers & OR 15(3): 219-226 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Idris Addou [15]
2Hatem Ben Amor [9]
3Nicolas Bélanger [10]
4Jean-François Cordeau [6] [7]
5Guy Desaulniers [10] [12] [14] [16]
6Jacques Desrosiers [1] [5] [8] [9] [10]
7Issmail Elhallaoui [16]
8Sylvie Gélinas [5]
9Ahmed Hadjar [17]
10Mohamed Hamdouni [12] [14]
11Irina Ioachim [5]
12Gilbert Laporte [1]
13Marco E. Lübbecke [8]
14Silvano Martello [2] [3]
15Anne Mercier [7] [13]
16Abdelmoutalib Metrane [16]
17Anass Nagih [11]
18Monia Rekik [6]
19Michel Sauve [1]
20Beyime Tachefine [4]
21Serge Taillefer [1]
22Paolo Toth [2] [3]
23Daniel Villeneuve [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)