
Alexandros Soumelidis

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2 Alexandros Soumelidis, Zoltán Fazekas, Ferenc Schipp, András Edelmayer, János Németh, Béla Csákány: Development of a Multi-Camera Corneal Topographer - Using an Embedded Computing Approach. BIODEVICES (1) 2008: 126-129
1EETamás Bartha, István Varga, Alexandros Soumelidis, Géza Szabé: Implementation of a Testing and Diagnostic Concept for an NPP Reactor Protection System. EDCC 2005: 391-402

Coauthor Index

1Tamás Bartha [1]
2Béla Csákány [2]
3András Edelmayer [2]
4Zoltán Fazekas [2]
5János Németh [2]
6Ferenc Schipp [2]
7Géza Szabé [1]
8István Varga [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)