
Frank Sottile

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21EEAnton Leykin, Frank Sottile: Computing monodromy via parallel homotopy continuation. PASCO 2007: 97-98
20EEHervé Brönnimann, Olivier Devillers, Sylvain Lazard, Frank Sottile: Lines Tangent to Four Triangles in Three-Dimensional Space. Discrete & Computational Geometry 37(3): 369-380 (2007)
19EEMatthias Beck, Frank Sottile: Irrational proofs for three theorems of Stanley. Eur. J. Comb. 28(1): 403-409 (2007)
18EEGábor Megyesi, Frank Sottile: The Envelope of Lines Meeting a Fixed Line and Tangent to Two Spheres. Discrete & Computational Geometry 33(4): 617-644 (2005)
17EEHervé Brönnimann, Hazel Everett, Sylvain Lazard, Frank Sottile, Sue Whitesides: Transversals to Line Segments in Three-Dimensional Space. Discrete & Computational Geometry 34(3): 381-390 (2005)
16EEHervé Brönnimann, Olivier Devillers, Sylvain Lazard, Frank Sottile: On the number of line tangents to four triangles in three-dimensional space. CCCG 2004: 184-187
15 Hervé Brönnimann, Hazel Everett, Sylvain Lazard, Frank Sottile, Sue Whitesides: Transversals to line segments in R3. CCCG 2003: 174-177
14EEGábor Megyesi, Frank Sottile: The envelope of lines meeting a fixed line that are tangent to two spheres CoRR math.AG/0304346: (2003)
13EEHervé Brönnimann, Hazel Everett, Sylvain Lazard, Frank Sottile, Sue Whitesides: The number of transversals to line segments in R^3 CoRR math.MG/0306401: (2003)
12EEGábor Megyesi, Frank Sottile, Thorsten Theobald: Common Transversals and Tangents to Two Lines and Two Quadrics in P. Discrete & Computational Geometry 30(4): 543-571 (2003)
11EEGábor Megyesi, Frank Sottile, Thorsten Theobald: Common transversals and tangents to two lines and two quadrics in P3 CoRR math.AG/0206044: (2002)
10EEFrank Sottile: Toric ideals, real toric varieties, and the moment map CoRR math.AG/0212044: (2002)
9EEJesús A. De Loera, Frank Sottile, Bernd Sturmfels: Guest Editors' Foreword. Discrete & Computational Geometry 27(1): 1-2 (2002)
8EENantel Bergeron, Stefan Mykytiuk, Frank Sottile, Stephanie van Willigenburg: Shifted quasi-symmetric functions and the Hopf algebra of peak functions. Discrete Mathematics 246(1-3): 57-66 (2002)
7 Frank Sottile: Enumerative Real Algebraic Geometry. Algorithmic and Quantitative Aspects of Real Algebraic Geometry in Mathematics and Computer Science 2001: 139-180
6EETom Roby, Frank Sottile, Jeffrey Stroomer, Julian West: Complementary Algorithms for Tableaux. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 96(1): 127-161 (2001)
5EENantel Bergeron, Ian P. Goulden, Frank Sottile: Preface. Discrete Mathematics 225(1-3): 1- (2000)
4EENantel Bergeron, Stefan Mykytiuk, Frank Sottile, Stephanie van Willigenburg: Noncommutative Pieri Operators on Posets. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 91(1-2): 84-110 (2000)
3EENantel Bergeron, Frank Sottile: A Monoid for the Grassmannian Bruhat Order. Eur. J. Comb. 20(3): 197-211 (1999)
2 Birkett Huber, Frank Sottile, Bernd Sturmfels: Numerical Schubert Calculus. J. Symb. Comput. 26(6): 767-788 (1998)
1EEGeorgia Benkart, Frank Sottile, Jeffrey Stroomer: Tableau Switching: Algorithms and Applications. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 76(1): 11-43 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Matthias Beck [19]
2Georgia Benkart [1]
3Nantel Bergeron [3] [4] [5] [8]
4Hervé Brönnimann [13] [15] [16] [17] [20]
5Olivier Devillers [16] [20]
6Hazel Everett [13] [15] [17]
7Ian P. Goulden (I. P. Goulden) [5]
8Birkett Huber [2]
9Sylvain Lazard [13] [15] [16] [17] [20]
10Anton Leykin [21]
11Jesús A. De Loera [9]
12Gábor Megyesi [11] [12] [14] [18]
13Stefan Mykytiuk [4] [8]
14Tom Roby [6]
15Jeffrey Stroomer [1] [6]
16Bernd Sturmfels [2] [9]
17Thorsten Theobald [11] [12]
18Julian West [6]
19Sue Whitesides [13] [15] [17]
20Stephanie van Willigenburg [4] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)