
Mariya Ivanova Soskova

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8EEMariya Ivanova Soskova, Guohua Wu: Cupping Delta20 enumeration degrees to 0 e'. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 19(1): 169-191 (2009)
7EEMariya Ivanova Soskova: Cupping Classes of Enumeration Degrees. CiE 2008: 554-566
6EEMarat M. Arslanov, S. Barry Cooper, Iskander Sh. Kalimullin, Mariya Ivanova Soskova: Total Degrees and Nonsplitting Properties of Enumeration Degrees. TAMC 2008: 568-578
5EEMariya Ivanova Soskova, Guohua Wu: Cupping D20 Enumeration Degrees to 0 e '. CiE 2007: 727-738
4EEMariya Ivanova Soskova, S. Barry Cooper: The Strongest Nonsplitting Theorem. TAMC 2007: 199-211
3EEGeorge Barmpalias, Andrew E. M. Lewis, Mariya Ivanova Soskova: Working with the LR Degrees. TAMC 2007: 89-99
2EEMariya Ivanova Soskova: Genericity and Non-bounding in the Enumeration degrees. J. Log. Comput. 17(6): 1235-1255 (2007)
1EEMariya Ivanova Soskova: A Generic Set That Does Not Bound a Minimal Pair. TAMC 2006: 746-755

Coauthor Index

1Marat M. Arslanov [6]
2George Barmpalias [3]
3S. Barry Cooper [4] [6]
4Iskander Sh. Kalimullin [6]
5Andrew E. M. Lewis [3]
6Guohua Wu [5] [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)