
José A. Sordo

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4EEPedro Braña, José A. Sordo: Theoretical approach to the mechanism of reactions between halogen atoms and unsaturated hydrocarbons: The Cl + propene reaction. Journal of Computational Chemistry 24(16): 2044-2062 (2003)
3EERamón López, José A. Sordo, Tomás Luis Sordo, Paul von Ragué Schleyer: Ab initio study of the formation of C3H3+ from the reaction of CH3+ with acetylene. Journal of Computational Chemistry 17(7): 905-909 (1996)
2 María Isabel Menéndez Rodríguez, Dimas Suárez, José A. Sordo, Tomás Luis Sordo: Theoretical Study of the Gas-Phase Addition of HF and HCI to Ethylene: Analysis of the Catalytic Action of Dimeric Halides. Journal of Computational Chemistry 16(6): 659-666 (1995)
1 Xavier Assfeld, Manuel F. Ruiz-López, J. Gonzalez, Ramón López, José A. Sordo, Tomás L. Sordo Gonzalo: Theoretical Analysis of the Role of the Solvent on the Reaction on the Reaction Mechanismus: One-Step versus Two-Step Ketene-Imine Cycloaddition. Journal of Computational Chemistry 15(5): 479-487 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Xavier Assfeld [1]
2Pedro Braña [4]
3J. Gonzalez [1]
4Tomás L. Sordo Gonzalo [1]
5Ramón López [1] [3]
6María Isabel Menéndez Rodríguez [2]
7Manuel F. Ruiz-López [1]
8Paul von Ragué Schleyer [3]
9Tomás Luis Sordo [2] [3]
10Dimas Suárez [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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