
Terunao Soneoka

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8EETerunao Soneoka, Makoto Imase, Yoshifumi Manabe: Design of a D-connected Digraph with a Minimum Number of Edges and a Quasiminimal Diameter: II. Discrete Applied Mathematics 64(3): 267-279 (1996)
7 Terunao Soneoka, Toshihide Ibaraki: Logically Instantaneous Message Passing in Asynchronous Distributed Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 43(5): 513-527 (1994)
6 Noriyasu Arakawa, Marc Phalippou, Nathalie Risser, Terunao Soneoka: Combination of conformance and interoperability testing. FORTE 1992: 397-412
5EETerunao Soneoka: Super Edge-Connectivity of Dense Digraphs and Graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 37/38: 511-523 (1992)
4 Noriyasu Arakawa, Terunao Soneoka: A Test Case Generation Method for Concurrent Programs. Protocol Test Systems 1991: 95-106
3EETerunao Soneoka, Hiroshi Nakada, Makoto Imase: Design of a d-connected digraph with a minimum number of edges and a quasiminimal diameter. Discrete Applied Mathematics 27(3): 255-265 (1990)
2EETerunao Soneoka, Hiroshi Nakada, Makoto Imase, Claudine Peyrat: Sufficient conditions for maximally connected dense graphs. Discrete Mathematics 63(1): 53-66 (1987)
1 Makoto Imase, Terunao Soneoka, Keiji Okada: Connectivity of Regular Directed Graphs with Small Diameters. IEEE Trans. Computers 34(3): 267-273 (1985)

Coauthor Index

1Noriyasu Arakawa [4] [6]
2Toshihide Ibaraki [7]
3Makoto Imase [1] [2] [3] [8]
4Yoshifumi Manabe [8]
5Hiroshi Nakada [2] [3]
6Keiji Okada [1]
7Claudine Peyrat [2]
8Marc Phalippou [6]
9Nathalie Risser [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)