
Dan Sommerfield

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6EERon Kohavi, Roger Longbotham, Dan Sommerfield, Randal M. Henne: Controlled experiments on the web: survey and practical guide. Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 18(1): 140-181 (2009)
5EERon Kohavi, Randal M. Henne, Dan Sommerfield: Practical guide to controlled experiments on the web: listen to your customers not to the hippo. KDD 2007: 959-967
4 Ron Kohavi, Dan Sommerfield: Targeting Business Users with Decision Table Classifiers. KDD 1998: 249-253
3EERon Kohavi, Dan Sommerfield, James Dougherty: Data Mining Using MLC a Machine Learning Library in C++. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 6(4): 537-566 (1997)
2 Ron Kohavi, Dan Sommerfield, James Dougherty: Data Mining Using MLC++: A Machine Learning Library in C++. ICTAI 1996: 234-245
1 Ron Kohavi, Dan Sommerfield: Feature Subset Selection Using the Wrapper Method: Overfitting and Dynamic Search Space Topology. KDD 1995: 192-197

Coauthor Index

1James Dougherty [2] [3]
2Randal M. Henne [5] [6]
3Ron Kohavi [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
4Roger Longbotham [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)