
Nicolas Le Sommer

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13EESalma Ben Sassi, Nicolas Le Sommer: Towards an Opportunistic and Location-Aware Service Provision in Disconnected Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. MOBILWARE 2009: 393-406
12EENicolas Le Sommer, Romeo Said, Yves Mahéo: A proxy-based model for service provision in opportunistic networks. MPAC 2008: 7-12
11EENicolas Le Sommer: A Framework for Service Provision in Intermittently Connected Mobile Ad hoc Networks. WOWMOM 2007: 1-4
10EENicolas Le Sommer, Frédéric Guidec, Hervé Roussain: A context-aware middleware platform for autonomous application services in dynamic wireless networks. InterSense 2006: 9
9EEHervé Roussain, Nicolas Le Sommer, Frédéric Guidec: Towards an Asynchronous Dissemination and a Safe Deployment of Lightweight Programs in Mobile Networks. WOWMOM 2005: 481-483
8EENicolas Le Sommer: Towards a Dynamic Resource Contractualisation for Software Components. Component Deployment 2004: 129-143
7 Nicolas Le Sommer, Hervé Roussain: JASON: An Open Platform for Discovering, Delivering and Hosting Applications in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. International Conference on Wireless Networks 2004: 714-720
6EENicolas Le Sommer: Contractualisation des ressources pour le deploiement des composants logiciels CoRR cs.NI/0411083: (2004)
5EENicolas Le Sommer, Frédéric Guidec: Middleware Support for Resource-Constrained Software Deployment. DAIS 2003: 49-60
4EELuc Courtrai, Frédéric Guidec, Nicolas Le Sommer, Yves Mahéo: Resource Management for Parallel Adaptive Components. IPDPS 2003: 134
3EENicolas Le Sommer: A Contract-Based Approach of Resource Management in Information Systems. OOIS 2003: 130-141
2EENicolas Le Sommer, Frédéric Guidec: A Contract-Based Approach of Resource-Constrained Software Deployment. Component Deployment 2002: 15-30
1EENicolas Le Sommer, Frédéric Guidec: JAMUSUne plate-forme d'accueil sécurisée pour le code mobile. L'OBJET 8(1-2): 203-215 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Luc Courtrai [4]
2Frédéric Guidec [1] [2] [4] [5] [9] [10]
3Yves Mahéo [4] [12]
4Hervé Roussain [7] [9] [10]
5Romeo Said [12]
6Salma Ben Sassi [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)