
Valery Soloviev

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8 Alex Rousskov, Valery Soloviev: A Performance Study of the Squid Proxy on HTTP/1.0. World Wide Web 2(1-2): 47-67 (1999)
7EEAlex Rousskov, Valery Soloviev: On Performance of Caching Proxies (Extended Abstract). SIGMETRICS 1998: 272-273
6EEIgor Tatarinov, Alex Rousskov, Valery Soloviev: Static caching in Web servers. ICCCN 1997: 410-417
5EEValery Soloviev: Prefetching in Segmented Disk Cache for Multi-Disk Systems. IOPADS 1996: 69-82
4EEValery Soloviev: An Incremental Memory Allocation Method for Mixed Workloads. Inf. Syst. 21(4): 369-386 (1996)
3EEManish Mehta, Valery Soloviev, David J. DeWitt: Batch Scheduling in Parallel Database Systems. ICDE 1993: 400-410
2EEValery Soloviev: A Truncating Hash Algorithm for Processing Band-Join Queries. ICDE 1993: 419-427
1EEValery Soloviev: An Overview of Three Commercial Object-Oriented Database Management Systems: ONTOS, ObjectStore, and O2. SIGMOD Record 21(1): 93-104 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1David J. DeWitt [3]
2Manish Mehta [3]
3Alex Rousskov [6] [7] [8]
4Igor Tatarinov [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)