2008 |
10 | EE | Mostafa I. Soliman,
Samir A. Mohamed:
A highly efficient implementation of a backpropagation learning algorithm using matrix ISA.
J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 68(7): 949-961 (2008) |
2007 |
9 | EE | Mostafa I. Soliman,
Sanguthevar Rajasekaran,
Reda A. Ammar:
A Block JRS Algorithm for Highly Parallel Computation of SVDs.
HPCC 2007: 346-357 |
2005 |
8 | | Stanislav Sedukhin,
Mostafa I. Soliman:
A Matrix Processor for Math-intensive Applications.
CAINE 2005: 109-114 |
7 | EE | Mostafa I. Soliman,
Stanislav Sedukhin:
Performance Evaluation of Blas on the Trident Processor.
Parallel Processing Letters 15(4): 407-414 (2005) |
2003 |
6 | | Mostafa I. Soliman,
Stanislav Sedukhin:
BLAS on the Trident Processor: Implementation and Performance Evaluation.
Computers and Their Applications 2003: 359-364 |
5 | EE | Mostafa I. Soliman,
Stanislav Sedukhin:
Matrix Bidiagonalization on the Trident Processor.
IPDPS 2003: 257 |
4 | EE | Stanislav Sedukhin,
Mostafa I. Soliman:
Trident: Technology-Scalable Architecture for Data Parallel Application.
IPDPS 2003: 264 |
3 | EE | Akihito Takahashi,
Mostafa I. Soliman,
Stanislav Sedukhin:
Parallel LU-decomposition on Pentium Streaming SIMD Extensions.
ISHPC 2003: 423-430 |
2002 |
2 | EE | Mostafa I. Soliman,
Stanislav Sedukhin:
Performance Analysis of SVD Algorithm on the Trident Processor.
CW 2002: 95-104 |
1 | | Mostafa I. Soliman,
Stanislav Sedukhin:
A Multi-level ISA Processor for Accelerating Data Parallel Applications.
PDPTA 2002: 1492-1498 |