
Dilbag Sokhi

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2EEAtulya K. Nagar, Dilbag Sokhi: On wavelet-based adaptive approach for gene comparison. IJISTA 5(1/2): 104-114 (2008)
1EEAtulya Nagar, Dilbag Sokhi, Hissam Tawfik: An Intrinsic Technique Based on Discrete Wavelet Decomposition for Analysing Phylogeny. KES (1) 2006: 1051-1058

Coauthor Index

1Atulya Nagar [1]
2Atulya K. Nagar [2]
3Hissam Tawfik [1]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)