
Young-Ho Sohn

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6EEWan-Jik Lee, Seok-Yeol Heo, Tae Young Byun, Young-Ho Sohn, Ki Jun Han: A Secure Packet Filtering Mechanism for Tunneling over Internet. ICESS 2007: 641-652
5EEWon-Do Jung, Shafique Ahmad Chaudhry, Young-Ho Sohn, Ki-Hyung Kim: Route Error Reporting Schemes for On-Demand Routing in 6LoWPAN. GPC 2006: 517-526
4EEJun-Taek Oh, Hyun-Wook Kwak, Young-Ho Sohn, Wook-Hyun Kim: Multi-level Thresholding Using Entropy-Based Weighted FCM Algorithm in Color Image. ISVC 2005: 437-444
3EEJun-Taek Oh, Hyun-Wook Kwak, Young-Ho Sohn, Wook-Hyun Kim: Segmentation and Recognition of Traffic Signs Using Shape Information. ISVC 2005: 519-526
2EEMyung-Sub Lee, Chang-Hyeon Park, Young-Ho Sohn: Differentiated Web Service System through Kernel-Level Realtime Scheduling and Load Balancing. ICCSA (4) 2004: 441-450
1EEWon-So Son, Young-Ho Sohn, Sie-young Choi: RESURF LDMOSFET with a trench for SOI power integrated circuits. Microelectronics Journal 35(5): 393-400 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Tae Young Byun [6]
2Shafique Ahmad Chaudhry [5]
3Sie-young Choi [1]
4Ki Jun Han (Kijun Han) [6]
5Seok-Yeol Heo [6]
6Won-Do Jung [5]
7Ki-Hyung Kim [5]
8Wook-Hyun Kim [3] [4]
9Hyun-Wook Kwak [3] [4]
10Myung-Sub Lee [2]
11Wan-Jik Lee [6]
12Jun-Taek Oh [3] [4]
13Chang-Hyeon Park [2]
14Won-So Son [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)