
Eunyoung Sohn

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3 R. Darin Ellis, T. J. Meitzler, G. Witus, Eunyoung Sohn, D. Bryk, R. Goetz, G. R. Gerhart: Computational modeling of age-differences in a visually demanding driving task: vehicle detection. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 30(3): 336-346 (2000)
2EEEunyoung Sohn, Taesoo Chung: The software structure of the call control for ATM systems. LCN 1995: 48-52
1 Eunyoung Sohn, Sugwon Hong, Keunbae Kim, Younguk Cha, Taesoo Chung: Network Architecture for the Introductory Phase Broadband Subscriber Access Network. INDC 1994: 267-275

Coauthor Index

1D. Bryk [3]
2Younguk Cha [1]
3Taesoo Chung [1] [2]
4R. Darin Ellis [3]
5G. R. Gerhart [3]
6R. Goetz [3]
7Sugwon Hong [1]
8Keunbae Kim [1]
9T. J. Meitzler [3]
10G. Witus [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)