
Devan Sohier

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11EEThibault Bernard, Alain Bui, Devan Sohier: Token Loss Detection for Random Walk based Algorithm. ISPDC 2008: 351-356
10EEAlain Bui, Devan Sohier: How to Compute Times of Random Walks based Distributed Algorithms CoRR abs/0807.3632: (2008)
9EEAlain Bui, Devan Sohier: Stabilization Time for Token Replications in Self-Stabilizing Random Walk Based Distributed Algorithms. RIVF 2007: 114-121
8EEAlain Bui, Devan Sohier: How to Compute Times of Random Walks Based Distributed Algorithms. Fundam. Inform. 80(4): 363-378 (2007)
7EEAlexandre d'Aspremont, Devan Sohier, Arnab Nilim, Laurent El Ghaoui, Vu Duong: Optimal path planning for air traffic flow management under stochastic weather and capacity constraints. RIVF 2006: 1-6
6EEAlain Bui, Devan Sohier: On Time Analysis of Random Walk Based Token Circulation Algorithms. ISSADS 2005: 63-71
5EEMarc Bui, Thibault Bernard, Devan Sohier, Alain Bui: Random Walks in Distributed Computing: A Survey. IICS 2004: 1-14
4EEDevan Sohier, Alain Bui: Hitting Times Computation for Theoretically Studying Peer-to-Peer Distributed System. IPDPS 2004
3EEDevan Sohier, Marc Bui, Vu Duong: Towards an Algortihm to Compute Safe Aircraft Trajectories. RIVF 2004: 11-14
2EEAlain Bui, Marc Bui, Devan Sohier: Randomly Distributed Tasks in Bounded Time. IICS 2003: 36-47
1EEThibault Bernard, Alain Bui, Marc Bui, Devan Sohier: A New Method to Automatically Compute Processing Times for Random Walks Based Distributed Algorithms. ISPDC 2003: 31-36

Coauthor Index

1Thibault Bernard [1] [5] [11]
2Alain Bui [1] [2] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [10] [11]
3Marc Bui [1] [2] [3] [5]
4Vu Duong [3] [7]
5Laurent El Ghaoui [7]
6Arnab Nilim [7]
7Alexandre d'Aspremont [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)