
Arthur J. van Soest

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5EEArthur J. van Soest, Leonard A. Rozendaal: The inverted pendulum model of bipedal standing cannot be stabilized through direct feedback of force and contractile element length and velocity at realistic series elastic element stiffness. Biological Cybernetics 99(1): 29-41 (2008)
4EEDinant A. Kistemaker, Arthur J. van Soest, Maarten F. Bobbert: A model of open-loop control of equilibrium position and stiffness of the human elbow joint. Biological Cybernetics 96(3): 341-350 (2007)
3EEJ. C. E. van der Burg, L. J. R. Casius, I. Kingma, J. H. van Dieën, Arthur J. van Soest: Factors underlying the perturbation resistance of the trunk in the first part of a lifting movement. Biological Cybernetics 93(1): 54-62 (2005)
2EEArthur J. van Soest, Wouter P. Haenen, Leonard A. Rozendaal: Stability of bipedal stance: the contribution of cocontraction and spindle feedback. Biological Cybernetics 88(4): 293-301 (2003)
1EELeonard A. Rozendaal, Arthur J. van Soest: Optical acceleration cancellation: a viable interception strategy? Biological Cybernetics 89(6): 415-425 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Maarten F. Bobbert [4]
2J. C. E. van der Burg [3]
3L. J. R. Casius [3]
4J. H. van Dieën [3]
5Wouter P. Haenen [2]
6I. Kingma [3]
7Dinant A. Kistemaker [4]
8Leonard A. Rozendaal [1] [2] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)