
Martin Smits

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26EEMartin Smits, Richard Janssen: Impact of Electronic Auctions on Health Care Markets. Electronic Markets 18(1): 19-29 (2008)
25EEWim Huisman, Martin Smits: Investing in Networkability to Improve Supply Chain Peformance. HICSS 2007: 207
24EEMartin Smits, Willem-Jan van den Heuvel, Wim Huisman: The Tacit Liaison between Networkability and Supply Chain Performance. HICSS 2006
23EERamon O'Callaghan, Martin Smits: A Strategy Development Process for Enterprise Content Management. ECIS 2005
22EECocky Hilhorst, Martin Smits, Eric van Heck: Strategic Flexibility and IT Infrastructure Investments - Empirical Evidence in two Case Studies. ECIS 2005
21EERemco Groot, Martin Smits, Halbe Kuipers: A Method to Redesign the IS Portfolios in Large Organisations. HICSS 2005
20EEG. John van der Pijl, Pieter M. A. Ribbers, Martin Smits: Technology Management in a Knowledge Based Economy. HICSS 2005
19EEHennie Daniels, Martin Smits: Portfolio Optimization as a Tool for Knowledge Management. OR 2005: 633-638
18EECocky Hilhorst, Martin Smits: A resource based and real options perspective on IT infrastructure investments aiming for strategic flexibility. ECIS 2004
17EEMartin Smits, Aldo de Moor: Measuring Knowledge Management Effectiveness in Communities of Practice. HICSS 2004
16EEG. John van der Pijl, Pieter M. A. Ribbers, Martin Smits: Technology Management in the Knowledge Based Economy: Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2004
15EEDavid C. L. Kuo, Martin Smits: Performance of Integrated Supply Chains - An International Case Study in High Tech Manufacturing. HICSS 2003: 241
14EEG. John van der Pijl, Pieter M. A. Ribbers, Martin Smits: Technology Management in the Knowledge Based Economy. HICSS 2003: 259
13EEMartin Smits, Roland Toppen, Pieter M. A. Ribbers: How Electronic Network Organisations Enable Mass Customisation in Financial Markets. ECIS 2002
12EEG. John van der Pijl, Pieter M. A. Ribbers, Martin Smits: Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2002: 257
11EERonald Spanjers, Wilhelm Hasselbring, Ryan Peterson, Martin Smits: Exploring ICT Enabled Networking in Hospital Organizations. HICSS 2001
10EEG. John van der Pijl, Pieter M. A. Ribbers, Martin Smits: Technology Management for Doing Business in the Knowledge based Economy - Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2001
9EERyan R. Peterson, Martin Smits, Ronald Spanjers: Exploring IT-Enabled Networked Organisations in Health Care: Emerging Practices and Phases of Development. ECIS 2000
8EERoland Toppen, Martin Smits, Pieter M. A. Ribbers: Effects of Two New Inter-Organizational Systems to Settle Cross Border Euro Payments between Financial Institutions in Europe. HICSS 2000
7EEG. John van der Pijl, Pieter M. A. Ribbers, Martin Smits: Technology Management for Doing Business in the Knowledge based Economy - Introduction. HICSS 2000
6EEMartin Smits, Gert van der Pijl: Developments in Hospital Management and Information Systems. HICSS 1999
5EERoland Toppen, Martin Smits, Pieter M. A. Ribbers: Improving Process Performance through Market Network ReDesign: A Study of the Impact of Electronic Markets in the Financial Securities Sector. HICSS 1999
4EEArno Vermunt, Martin Smits, Gert van der Pijl, Rini van Solingen: Using GSSs to Support Error Detection in Software Specifications . HICSS (1) 1998: 566-574
3EERoland Toppen, Martin Smits, Pieter M. A. Ribbers: Financial Securities Transactions: A Study of Logistic Process Performance Improvements. HICSS (6) 1998: 582-591
2EEMartin Smits, Roland Toppen, Pieter M. A. Ribbers: Improving Performance of Financial Securities Transaction Processes. Electronic Markets 8(4): (1998)
1 Martin Smits, Theo J. B. M. Postma, Cees Takkenberg, Simon Terpstra: A GDSS Methodology for Personnel Planning in Rheumatology. Decision Support in Public Administration 1993: 149-158

Coauthor Index

1Hennie Daniels [19]
2Remco Groot [21]
3Wilhelm Hasselbring [11]
4Eric van Heck [22]
5Willem-Jan van den Heuvel [24]
6Cocky Hilhorst [18] [22]
7Wim Huisman [24] [25]
8Richard Janssen [26]
9Halbe Kuipers [21]
10David C. L. Kuo [15]
11Aldo de Moor [17]
12Ramon O'Callaghan [23]
13Ryan Peterson [11]
14Ryan R. Peterson [9]
15G. John van der Pijl [7] [10] [12] [14] [16] [20]
16Gert van der Pijl [4] [6]
17Theo J. B. M. Postma [1]
18Pieter M. A. Ribbers [2] [3] [5] [7] [8] [10] [12] [13] [14] [16] [20]
19Rini van Solingen [4]
20Ronald Spanjers [9] [11]
21Cees Takkenberg [1]
22Simon Terpstra [1]
23Roland Toppen [2] [3] [5] [8] [13]
24Arno Vermunt [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)