
S. E. Smith

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3 K. Maruyama, S. E. Smith: Analysis of Design Alternatives for Virtual Memory Indexes. Commun. ACM 20(4): 245-254 (1977)
2 K. Maruyama, S. E. Smith: Optimal Reorganization of Distributed Space Disk Files. Commun. ACM 19(11): 634-642 (1976)
1EEJ. H. Mommens, S. E. Smith: Automatic Generation of Physical Data Base Structures. SIGMOD Conference 1975: 157-165

Coauthor Index

1K. Maruyama [2] [3]
2J. H. Mommens [1]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)