
John D. Smith

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7 Beverly Trayner, John D. Smith, Marco C. Bettoni: Participation in International Virtual Learning Communities - A Social Learning Perspective. WEBIST (2) 2006: 229-236
6EEBeverly Trayner, John D. Smith, Marco C. Bettoni: Participation in International Virtual Learning Communities. WEBIST (Selected Papers) 2006: 402-413
5EEJohn D. Smith, Beverly Trayner: Online course design from a communities-of-practice perspective. eLearn Magazine 2006(9): 3 (2006)
4EEJohn D. Smith, Roel Vertegaal, Changuk Sohn: ViewPointer: lightweight calibration-free eye tracking for ubiquitous handsfree deixis. UIST 2005: 53-61
3EENathan Cournia, John D. Smith, Andrew T. Duchowski: Gaze- vs. hand-based pointing in virtual environments. CHI Extended Abstracts 2003: 772-773
2 Xing Huo Yu, John D. Smith, Masoud Mohammadian: Automated Fuzzy Knowledge Acquisition with Connectionist Adaptation. Neural Computing and Applications 4(1): 27-24 (1996)
1 Maree Hegarty, John D. Smith, David Hamilton: Herbicide Advisory Systems: Weeds in Wheat and other Crops. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1988: 14-29

Coauthor Index

1Marco C. Bettoni [6] [7]
2Nathan Cournia [3]
3Andrew T. Duchowski [3]
4David Hamilton [1]
5Maree Hegarty [1]
6Masoud Mohammadian [2]
7Changuk Sohn [4]
8Beverly Trayner [5] [6] [7]
9Roel Vertegaal [4]
10Xing Huo Yu [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)